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Fri Nov 30th - Tue Jan 1st

WorldEmber 2018

10,000 words, 31 Days, $1000+ in Prizes!
Number of Entries 29682
Number of Competitors 3532

Do you want to get your worldbuilding skills up to scratch? Join the fun!


Get ready for the defining Worldbuilding challenge of the year!
Finish 2018 with a bang that will drive you through 2019!

WorldEmber 2018 is proudly sponsored by:






Creature Curation


Tabletop Loot


Cantrip Candles


The Great GM


Ironrise Games


Kobold Press


Kyanite Publishing


Up To 4 Players


Trent Hergenrader


Vertixico's Covers



We challenge you to write 10,000 words of brand new worldbuilding during the month of December this year to really kickstart your world and spark off your inner creative flame!   Want to know more? Check out the video and read below for the full Rules, F.A.Q. and OVER $1,000 worth of prizes!

Worldember Special Categories

Click on a prompt to write your response.
Let the games begin!

Join the Race!

Do you want to get your worldbuilding skills up to scratch? Join the fun!




Prize Categories

Some awards win only badges, and some win prizes too. Check below to see what you could win!


  • WorldEmber Winner : write 10,000 words!
  • The Novella Award : write 25,000 words - a small novel’s worth!
  • The Novel Achievement Award : write 50,000 words - that’s the same as NaNoWriMo!
  • The Sequel Award : write 100,000 words - that’s twice as much as NaNoWriMo
  • Trilogy Award : write 150,000 words - that’s three times NaNoWriMo!
  • The Kitashi : write 200,000 words - WARNING: only go for this if you’re a fast typer, very productive and have a lot of time on your hands. It’s INSANE!
  • Prizes and Badges:

  • Community’s Favourite Article: chosen based on community likes
  • Community’s Favourite Body of Work: chosen based on community likes over all of their WorldEmber-eligible articles
  • Most words: chosen based on the most WorldEmber-eligible words written
  • Human of the Match: for a good spirit who has ranked high in many categories and has really captured the community spirit of WorldEmber. Given at the World Anvil Team’s discretion.

    Special Categories:

    The special prize categories exist for most of the templates (excluding the generic template, prose template and the RPG Report template).


    To take part, simply write an article using one of the specified templates from the list below. A shortlist of the top fifteen articles (by number of likes) will be submitted to the judge, which is in almost all cases the sponsor of that special category. The judge will choose the winner at their own discretion, by their own methods and criteria.


    Some of the special categories have prizes attached to them, at the sponsor’s discretion. All of the special category winners will receive a unique and shiny badge!



    (Item) The Best Item Award, sponsored by Drawlabs   (Spell) The Best Spell Award, sponsored by Cantrip Candles   (Species) The Best Species Award, sponsored by Brian Colin: the Creature Curator   (Plot) The Best Plot Award, sponsored by Guy Sclanders, The Great GM   (Myth/Legend) The Best Myth/Legend Award, sponsored by Ironrise Games   (Building) The Best Building/Landmark Award, sponsored by DungeonFog   (Character) The Best Character Award, sponsored by Guy Sclanders, The Great GM   (Vehicle) - The Best Vehicle Award, sponsored by TableTop Loot

    Our Esteemed DEITY level patrons of World Anvil

    (Settlement) - The Best Settlement Award bestowed by Nevermore   (Technology) - The Best Technology Award bestowed by Vertixico   (Organisation) - The Best Organization Award bestowed by Tarkol   (Material) - The Best Material Award bestowed by Kyo   (Ethnicity) - The Best Ethnicity Award bestowed by Basic Dragon   (Condition) - The Best Condition Award bestowed by Ademal   (Geography) - The Best Geography Award bestowed by Sap and Stars   (Tradition) - The Best Tradition Award bestowed by Barron   (Document) - The Best Document Award bestowed by Laughing Prophet   (Law) - The Best Law Award bestowed by Eeon   (Military Formation) - The Best Military Organization Award bestowed by Sir Elghinn   (Profession) - The Best Profession Award bestowed by Avantgeek   (Rank/Title) - The Best Rank/Title Award bestowed by World Anvil   (Language) - The Best Language Award bestowed by Janet   (Military Conflict) - The Best Military Conflict Award bestowed by Dimitris


    Over WorldEmber you can win over $1000 USD of prizes, including goodies from our Sponsors!


    Prize Winner’s Raffle
    All WorldEmber participants who achieve a wordcount of 10,000 words or more will be automatically entered into the WorldEmber Prize Winner’s raffle, with a chance to win some awesome prizes!


    The Main World Ember Prizes

    These prizes are awarded by World Anvil, and will be tailored to suit the individual winners of the categories.


    The categories include:

  • Community Favourite: Best Article
  • Community Favourite: Best Body of Work
  • Most Words Written
  • Human of the Match
  • - Staff Category Community Favourite: Best Article
  • Staff Category Community Favourite: Best Body of Work


    The Prize Draw

    All participants who write 10,000 words or more will have their names entered into the Prize Draw Raffle for a chance to win:

    -Up To Four Players / Crystal Heart : Crystal Heart bundle including comic books and a foldable neoprene dice tray - x2 available!
    -One standard 6oz candles, winner to pick the scent from Cantrip Candles - x7 available!

  • Revilo: Creature Collection Volume 1 book - x1 available!
  • Cardography: Enter the Fiery Pits - x1 available!

  • Cardography: Break Through the Icy Divide - x1 available!
  • $25 Table Top Loot voucher - x3 available!
  • $20 Table Top Loot voucher - x1 available!

  • $15 Table Top Loot voucher - x3 available!

  • DUNGEONFOG 6 month membership - x3 available!
  • DUNGEONFOG 3 month membership - x5 available!
  • Drawlab Legendary Metal Coin sets - x6 available!
  • Drawlab boardgame: Witless Wizards - x1 available!
  • Drawlab boardgame: Mystic ScROLLs -x1 available!
  • Drawlab boardgame: Say Whaaat!? - x1 available
  • Kobold Press Kobold Guide to Worldbuilding PDF x1 available
  • Kobold Press Kobold Guide to Plots & Campaigns PDF x1 available
  • Kobold Press Kobold Guide to Combat PDF x1 available
  • Kobold Press Kobold Guide to Magic PDF x1 available
  • BOOK: Ravenscrest Chronicles Omnibus 1 hardcover, by B.K. Bass - x2 available!
  • World Anvil Merchandise, including notebooks, mugs, posters and other goodies from a range of designs - x5 available!
  • One free set of beautifully themed cover images for your World Anvil articles. Choose from either the preexisting covers, or from any which are released in the upcoming year until November 2019 from Vertixico’s Patreon - x10 available!

  • One free set of beautifully themed cover images for your World Anvil articles. Choose from either the preexisting covers, or from any which are released in the upcoming year until November 2019 from Vertixico’s Patreon - x10 available!


    Special Category prizes

    The Best Item Award, sponsored by Drawlabs: 2 boardgames - Witless Wizards and Mystic ScROLLs and a Legendary Metal Coin set of your choice
    The Best Spell Award, sponsored by Cantrip Candles: A bundle of goodies from Cantrip Candles: 16oz double-wick glass candle with included sunken metal dice, a 6oz standard sized candle tin, and two of our custom matchboxes, scents chosen by the winner.
    The Best Species Award, sponsored by Brian Colin: the Creature Curator : One-of-a-kind, painted art sculpture of a fantastical creature head, around 25cm of the artist’s original creatures
    The Best Plot Award, sponsored by Guy Sclanders, The Great GM: a hardcover copy of The Ultimate Guide to Campaign Creation, by Guy Sclanders
    The Best Myth/Legend Award, sponsored by IronRise Games: A bespoke Art commission for your world from one of IronRise’s own artists
    The Best Building/Landmark Award, sponsored by DUNGEONFOG: 1 annual membership for the Dungeon Fog map building platform
    The Best Character Award, sponsored by Guy Sclanders, The Great GM: a hardcover copy of The Ultimate Guide to Campaign Creation, by Guy Sclanders
    The Best Vehicle Award, sponsored by TableTop Loot: $60 e-voucher for the online TableTop Loot store
    The Best Language Award, bestowed by Janet: a glorious World Anvil notebook with an inspiring design, perfect for worldbuilding notes on the go!
    The Best Military Conflict Award, bestowed by Dimitris: a glorious World Anvil notebook with an inspiring design, perfect for worldbuilding notes on the go!
    The Best Rank/Title Award, bestowed by World Anvil: a glorious World Anvil notebook with an inspiring design, perfect for worldbuilding notes on the go!
    The Best Material Award, bestowed by Kyo: A key for the amazing Wonderdraft mapping software (or a game code, if winner already has Wonderdraft)
    The Best Geography Award, bestowed by Sap and Stars: The awesome Dark Souls games trilogy for PC
    The Best Tradition Award, bestowed by Barron: A one year World Anvil membership, or a one year DNGFOG membership if winner already is a guild member of WA.
    The Best Settlement Award, bestowed by Nevermore: One beautifully created commissioned map of the winning settlement.

    Some special category prizes bestowed by Deities will also have prizes attached to them. This is at the Deity’s discretion. More information will be posted here as and when it is decided.


    The goal of WorldEmber is to achieve 10,000 words of original worldbuilding content on World Anvil during the month of December. The platform will automatically track the words you write.


    Words which count towards WorldEmber are:

  • Words written in articles only. Any words written in timelines, RPG blocks, maps, notes, secrets or historical events DO NOT count towards your total word count.
  • Words written in PUBLIC articles and not drafts
  • Words written in articles created after the start of World Ember (1st December 2018)
  • Articles will only add to your words count if they have over 50 words.
  • Special Provision: Stubs

    If you have a stub (article under 50 words) written/started before the beginning of December you can enter it into WorldEmber. In order to do that, follow these instructions carefully: a) Open the article b) mark the article as NOT draft, c) Save the article without adding any additional words. This process will update the creation date of the article to the current date.  

    When does it run?

    WorldEmber happens throughout December:

    GMT (Greenwich Mean)

    START: 00:01 on December 1st
    END: 23:59 on December 31st

    PST (Pacific USA)

    START: 17:01 on November 30th
    END: 16:59 on December 31st

    EST (Eastern USA)

    START: 20:01 on November 30th
    END: 19:59 on December 31st

    ACST (Australian Central)

    START: 10:31 on December 1st
    END:10:29 on January 1st




    If you’re eligible for a prize we will contact you for your postal address and for your permission to pass it on to a third party (the sponsor of the prize). This will allow the sponsor in question to send out the prize(s) to you. We can also give you the sponsor/company’s contact details so you can address any further questions to them directly.   If you are eligible for a prize - be it community favorite, prize draw winner, special category or most words - your work will be checked for cheating.   The following acts count as cheating:

  • Like boosting via secondary “alt” accounts
  • Word count boosting (for example, using Lorem Ipsum / placeholder text or copy & pasting other author’s work or reference material).
  • Plagiarism
  • Whilst we recognise the need to share your work in order to accrue community likes, excessive campaigning or spamming on the Discord server will lead to Moderator action.
    The words must be your own original worldbuilding content.   All judges decisions are final.


    Sharing your work:

    Since many of the prize categories of WorldEmber involve community likes, it’s a good idea to share your work on social media, with your friends and family and with the wider worldbuilding community.   Join us on our Discord server to get feedback from other worldbuilders! Excessive campaigning or spamming on the Discord server will lead to Moderator action.   Use the hashtag #WorldEmber2018 on social media and the official World Anvil social media accounts will share your work for more exposure!   You can also contact us about streaming your worldbuilding over WorldEmber, to get access to official fan overlays, and with a possibility of being hosted on the official World Anvil Twitch channel.



    Can I copy in my old work or stuff i did in NaNoWriMo?
    Verbatim copying of previously done work is not in the spirit of the competition, but expanding on previous work - for example, creating a book bible extrapolated from the first draft of a novel - is just fine.   Do I have to pick a single world to work on for my wordcount?
  • Wordcount is per author, you can write across as many worlds as you like.
  • What about co-authors?
  • Multiple co-authors can write in a single world; their word counts are accumulated based on individual user, not the world they write in
  • How do I get people to like my article?
  • You can increase visibility of your articles by sharing them on Social Media - remember to hashtag #WorldEmber2018 and the official World Anvil Social Media will share your post! Remember that your fans will need World Anvil accounts in order to like your article and show their love! Please do not spam the Discord, but feel free to use the review channel to share critique and make your work even better! Like-boosting through alternate accounts will disqualify you from any prizes you might otherwise have won.
  • When will the winners be announced?
  • The winners will be announced in a special live-streamed Awards Ceremony on Twitch - This will most probably be held on January 26th 2019, at 20h GMT.
  • When will the badges be given out?
  • Once the Awards Ceremony has taken place and all the winners have been announced, we will start the process of giving out the badges. World Anvil has over 100,000 users, though, so this might take a minute! Please be patient!
  • I won a prize. When is it coming?
  • Many of the WorldEmber prizes have been given by our amazing sponsors. Once we have your postal address, and your permission to pass it on to a third party, the sponsor in question will be sending out the prizes. We can you give you their contact details so you can address any further questions to them.
  • Why do my articles have to be public?
  • Articles need to be public in order for the word count to be updated, and also for our team to be able to check for any cheating.
  • Can I make my articles private, or delete or edit things after the event?
  • Yes! After the winners of WorldEmber have been announced during the Awards Ceremony it will be fine for you to make your articles private, or go and delete or edit things as you wish.
  • Can I sponsor a prize?
  • You’ve missed your slot for this challenge, but if you are interested in becoming a sponsor for one of our future events please register your interest by emailing [email protected]
  • How do I submit my article to WorldEmber?
  • All eligible words are automatically counted by the World Anvil platform. You don’t need to do anything except write them!
  • How do I enter an article for a Special Category?
  • To take part, simply write an article using the specified template. A shortlist of the top fifteen articles - as judged by community favourites - will be submitted to the judge of the competition, which is in almost all cases the sponsor of that special category. The judge will choose the winner at their own discretion, by their own means.
  • What is Human of the Match?
  • The Human of the Match is a competitor with good community spirit who has (usually) ranked high in several categories, and has really captured the community spirit of WorldEmber. They may be a prolific commenter, have a team spirit, and concentrate on lifting up other competitors and furthering the art of worldbuilding rather than their own private goals - basically, a great human. This award is given at the World Anvil Team’s discretion.
  • Staff Participation

    Our World Anvil team and main volunteers - including Enchanters and Moderators - will have their own league for some of the categories to compete in this year. This is to prevent any familiarity bias in the community that may affect the number of likes on their articles. All other rules for them remain the same.   World Anvil Volunteers Prize Categories
  • Community’s Favourite Article - staff member category
  • Community’s Favourite Body of Work - staff member category
  • All World Anvil volunteers will be eligible for the Prize Winner’s draw. Since this is a blind draw, it cannot be affected by any familiarity bias. Similarly, all volunteers will be eligible for the “Most Words” prize, since that cannot be affected by popularity either.


    Authors by Words
    (WE Winners+ only)

    Top Authors by Total Likes

    Top Entries By Likes

    Top Authors by number of Entries


  • 1 21 Mataglap Ferality by Ademal
  • 2 15 Nzata, the Unwelcomed Hunger by Qurilion
  • 3 15 Sun-Sickness by Qurilion
  • 4 14 Mindrot by Oneriwien
  • 5 13 Universal Maladies by Dylonishere123
  • 6 12 Sleepers by Qurilion
  • 7 11 Mutations by Qurilion
  • 8 10 Smartassery by Avalokitesha
  • 9 10 Fading by Qurilion
  • 10 10 Awakened by Qurilion
  • 11 9 Magibility by Evi105
  • 12 9 Slough-skin by Qurilion
  • 13 8 Vampirism by Redclaw123
  • 14 7 The Shivering by Ondo
  • 15 7 Lycanthropy by R3negade X
  • 16 6 Haywire Syndrome by Cyndergate
  • 17 5 Bulette Fever by Dejers
  • 18 4 The Corruption by BenevolentGodOfReality
  • 19 4 Lycanthropy by Redclaw123
  • 20 4 Silver by SsethTheBard
  • 21 4 Uhoma by Isaac Thompson
  • 22 4 Lycantrophy by Endrise
  • 23 3 Talent in Light by Lenosallose
  • 24 3 Mana Poisoning by ChaosTearKitsune
  • 25 3 Geodus Purple by E.A. Saturn
  • 26 3 Curiosity by Cyndergate
  • 27 3 Lamiya Mutation by RwbyMoon
  • 28 3 Darkness(Fading) by EndOfAllHope
  • 29 2 The Marked by minttea
  • 30 2 The Obscured by Capitan_Andyman
  • Important Document

  • 1 11 Surviving On The Surface - A Practical Guide and Its Application by Qurilion
  • 2 9 Thrice Full Moon Tarot Reading by pinksparklesJ
  • 3 6 The Book of Truth by ninne124
  • 4 6 The Tales of Captain Preston by pinksparklesJ
  • 5 6 The Ballad of Kyril by AnzBananz
  • 6 6 A Flier from Fygmal by pinksparklesJ
  • 7 5 The Five Seasons by ikenbon
  • 8 5 27's Notebook by Kelban
  • 9 5 The Journal of Frulam Mondath by Tarkol
  • 10 5 Treaties on the Art of Nekromanti - Condemnations Collected by Qurilion
  • 11 5 Mundie Inclusion Act by Evi105
  • 12 4 The Way I See It - Action Zebra by davidarthursteele
  • 13 4 Pact of Brotherhood by Dhelian
  • 14 3 Sunfall Riddle by pinksparklesJ
  • 15 2 The Way I See It - Extraction Gone Awry by davidarthursteele
  • 16 2 The Capstone Kidnapper by tjtrewin
  • Ethnicity

  • 1 9 Phtangi Nomads by Qurilion
  • 2 7 Saralian by Dhelian
  • 3 6 The Kaoh by Qurilion
  • 4 5 The Angel Saxons by IsaNite
  • 5 5 Bravani by BKBass
  • 6 5 Maji by pinksparklesJ
  • 7 4 The Perrenial by ikenbon
  • 8 4 Forjorni by XanthussMarduk
  • 9 3 Southeners by ninne124
  • 10 3 Non-binder by pinksparklesJ
  • 11 3 Zell'hain Orcs by Tytrius
  • 12 3 Pestrib by ElementalShrike
  • 13 2 Chauken by Vertixico
  • 14 2 True Orcs by Evilhotdog
  • 15 2 The Nebtkan Peoples of Sunar by Necrolight132
  • Formation

  • 1 13 Killer Krew by Swordsfall
  • 2 9 The Widow's Legion by Dylonishere123
  • 3 7 Atha - Hand of War by Qurilion
  • 4 7 The Crucibles of the Nine Circles by ikenbon
  • 5 6 Wings of Fury by milladamen
  • 6 5 Xorothian Knight by RwbyMoon
  • 7 5 The Sanguine Legion by Dylonishere123
  • 8 4 CATatonic Overload by Cyndergate
  • 9 4 Aodian Capital Guard Legion by Luk98
  • 10 3 The Mad Legion by Dylonishere123
  • 11 3 Flight by ElementalShrike
  • 12 2 The Alabaster Legion by Dylonishere123
  • 13 2 Golircer by RwbyMoon
  • 14 2 Khatib - the Host of War by Qurilion
  • 15 2 Party by Evi105
  • 16 2 Inferno by RwbyMoon
  • Item

  • 1 12 Dark Gold by yeslittlehummingbird
  • 2 10 Masque by Qurilion
  • 3 9 Fusion Ring by Cyndergate
  • 4 8 Synthetic Mana by ChaosTearKitsune
  • 5 8 Index by Ademal
  • 6 8 Alchemy Items by ikenbon
  • 7 8 Pines by tjtrewin
  • 8 7 Grounding Harness by Qurilion
  • 9 7 Adventurer's Badge by Evi105
  • 10 6 Art Treasures by ikenbon
  • 11 6 Nefadric Marksmanship Lanyards by Luk98
  • 12 6 The Sun Crown by ninne124
  • 13 5 Hexblade by Endrise
  • 14 5 Gayavi Ink by milladamen
  • 15 5 Grace by pinksparklesJ
  • 16 4 Trace Seasoning by ZackTheGreat
  • 17 4 Ulaha by ninne124
  • 18 4 Axe of Ten-Thousand Strokes by ElementalShrike
  • 19 4 Systome by Barron
  • 20 4 Bulette Eggs by Dejers
  • 21 3 Sword of Kings/Broken King's Blade by BenevolentGodOfReality
  • 22 3 Purple Gold by Mánagarmr
  • 23 3 STRATA by RwbyMoon
  • 24 3 The Path of the True Warrior by BlueTyger
  • 25 3 Kor-Ithari Stone by milladamen
  • 26 3 Journal of Helcâraxe by BlueTyger
  • 27 3 The Flask of Beerin by BenevolentGodOfReality
  • 28 3 The Spark Stone, a Source of Light in a Dim World by unrulyian
  • 29 3 Katsubō by PatheticBarrel
  • 30 2 Grit by tjtrewin
  • Language

  • 1 14 Druidic by Ondo
  • 2 9 Glyphicons - Language of Tales by Qurilion
  • 3 6 Aere, the Language of Creation by CTQuiche
  • 4 6 Eldritch Signs by ikenbon
  • 5 5 Ithari by milladamen
  • 6 4 Druidic slang by Ondo
  • 7 4 Essence Tongue by Heffé
  • 8 4 Orgenic by pinksparklesJ
  • 9 4 Bright Argot by kitsuki
  • 10 4 Imperium Basic by Eofa
  • 11 4 Spellwords by Evi105
  • 12 3 Saralian by Dhelian
  • 13 3 Wenneth by Janet
  • 14 2 Urngut Tamgatai by Mánagarmr
  • 15 2 Gutterborn Slang by tjtrewin
  • 16 2 Quroa by BasicDragon
  • 17 2 Proto-Halorese by ElementalShrike
  • (Super)Natural Law

  • 1 22 Magic by ninne124
  • 2 14 The Aether by yeslittlehummingbird
  • 3 11 Narrative by Qurilion
  • 4 10 Shamans by Dylonishere123
  • 5 7 Arcana Creaturae by Dylonishere123
  • 6 7 Kor-Ithar by milladamen
  • 7 7 The Blooming Pastures by tjtrewin
  • 8 7 Blight by Qurilion
  • 9 7 Hyper-lanes by SierraKomodo
  • 10 6 The Stattoo by Cyndergate
  • 11 6 The void by Redclaw123
  • 12 5 Spell Blowback by PatheticBarrel
  • 13 5 Resonance by ikenbon
  • 14 4 Nodeheart by Loremaster Oddman
  • 15 4 Cycle of Life And Death by nerudian
  • 16 4 Surge Primis by Trea
  • 17 3 Bardic Lore by Dylonishere123
  • 18 3 The Source by BKBass
  • 19 3 Faster Than Light Travel by BKBass
  • 20 3 Effect of Belief by LadyColubrid
  • 21 3 Infomorphic Death by Ademal
  • 22 3 Nature of the Goddes by LadyColubrid
  • 23 3 Death and the Soul by LadyColubrid
  • 24 3 The rule of Five by Endrise
  • 25 2 Affinity by ApocryphaUniverse
  • 26 2 Mhirrian Rage by Dylonishere123
  • 27 2 Engraving by ApocryphaUniverse
  • 28 2 Skyfire by milladamen
  • 29 2 Magic: Alchemy by SNN95
  • 30 2 Etherstorm by Loremaster Oddman
  • Building / Landmark

  • 1 9 The Bench of Wonders by Ondo
  • 2 8 Spider's Walk by Oneriwien
  • 3 8 Fort Knovell by Oneriwien
  • 4 8 Everfalls Tower by Oneriwien
  • 5 8 House Saurs by Oneriwien
  • 6 8 Elder's Crack by Oneriwien
  • 7 8 Highcliff Mansion by Oneriwien
  • 8 7 The Silvered Moon by Oneriwien
  • 9 7 Jhoutai WayPoint by Ademal
  • 10 7 Vide'Cormeum by ikenbon
  • 11 7 The Crow's Folly by Oneriwien
  • 12 7 Gate Pha by Oneriwien
  • 13 6 Tundera by BenevolentGodOfReality
  • 14 6 Susan's Shrine by AshWolf Forever
  • 15 6 Verdant Guildhall by Oneriwien
  • 16 6 Lintague Labyrinth by pinksparklesJ
  • 17 6 Kanaedia by BenevolentGodOfReality
  • 18 5 Oria by BenevolentGodOfReality
  • 19 5 Island of Light by BenevolentGodOfReality
  • 20 5 Capstone Sewers by tjtrewin
  • 21 5 The Forsaken Isle of Baranabus by BenevolentGodOfReality
  • 22 5 Viktor Wolf's house by Revyera
  • 23 4 Isthmus of Kanae - Wolv by BenevolentGodOfReality
  • 24 4 The Singed Lands by BenevolentGodOfReality
  • 25 4 Daardendria by BenevolentGodOfReality
  • 26 4 Latoman by BenevolentGodOfReality
  • 27 4 Eden WayPoint by Ademal
  • 28 4 Kulrarsuh by BenevolentGodOfReality
  • 29 4 The Ruined Keep by pinksparklesJ
  • 30 3 Egzilo Mergim by BenevolentGodOfReality
  • Geographic Location

  • 1 14 Haven by Oneriwien
  • 2 10 The Sprawl by Qurilion
  • 3 9 The Infinite Seas by Qurilion
  • 4 9 The Howling Plains by Qurilion
  • 5 9 Shrouded Lands by Qurilion
  • 6 8 Jagged Expanse by Oneriwien
  • 7 8 Ravare by Oneriwien
  • 8 8 Blistered Expanse by Oneriwien
  • 9 7 The Umbral Shroud by Necrolight132
  • 10 7 Verdant Expanse by Oneriwien
  • 11 7 Graywater River by Oneriwien
  • 12 7 Shardtooth by Oneriwien
  • 13 7 Hēla - The Frozen Lands by Qurilion
  • 14 7 Solemn Expanse by Oneriwien
  • 15 7 Parched Expanse by Oneriwien
  • 16 7 Twin Peaks by Oneriwien
  • 17 7 Blacksea by Oneriwien
  • 18 7 Aschar Region by Qurilion
  • 19 6 Dust Peaks by Oneriwien
  • 20 6 Via Lactea by Ademal
  • 21 6 Yupic Island by Oneriwien
  • 22 6 Havnar's Folly by Oneriwien
  • 23 6 Gorgewood Forest by Oneriwien
  • 24 6 Kyöpelinvuori by Hanhula
  • 25 6 Glass Sea by Oneriwien
  • 26 6 River of the Falls by Oneriwien
  • 27 6 Khālī Region by Qurilion
  • 28 6 Ogun Zarkx by ikenbon
  • 29 6 The Marigold Realm by ikenbon
  • 30 6 Solith by Oneriwien
  • Material

  • 1 11 Ether by Swordsfall
  • 2 9 Planar Foci Crystals by ikenbon
  • 3 9 Eirshale by nerdsmith
  • 4 7 Blight by Oneriwien
  • 5 6 Bulette Powder by Dejers
  • 6 6 Starsteel by Qurilion
  • 7 4 Void Crystal by lunalapanda
  • 8 4 Utskari by Evi105
  • 9 4 Mahlerite by BlueTyger
  • 10 4 Valcoranium by Redclaw123
  • 11 3 Kava Wood by ElementalShrike
  • 12 3 Korvarth by Avalokitesha
  • 13 3 Atmásh by Lenosallose
  • 14 3 Ichor by Hyperax
  • 15 2 The Weave by Theiket
  • 16 2 Loadstone by motorthud
  • 17 2 Trillicite by R3negade X
  • 18 2 Deilythe by Kitashi
  • Military Conflict

  • 1 11 Battle of the Alse by Dhelian
  • 2 11 The Massacre of Ghinor by Swordsfall
  • 3 9 The Riot of Red Rivers by Qurilion
  • 4 8 The Iron Pot Revolt by ikenbon
  • 5 7 The Siege by davidarthursteele
  • 6 6 The Great War by Tarkol
  • 7 6 The Ka Keg Kanflict by Ademal
  • 8 6 The Kingslayer Rebellion by BKBass
  • 9 5 Barrnear Sitting by Dark Hobbit
  • 10 5 End of the Great by Evi105
  • 11 4 War of Mocladian Demise by Dark Hobbit
  • 12 4 The First War by Salen
  • 13 4 Battle of watch fortress Gamma 6 by Redclaw123
  • 14 3 Battle of Tortone Forest by Dark Hobbit
  • 15 3 The Siege of Arkran by AmazingChi
  • 16 3 Battle of the Maniac by Quintessence
  • 17 2 The Heart against The Hope by Kitashi
  • Myth / Legend

  • 1 11 The Vinyatian-Garudian Conflict by Swordsfall
  • 2 9 The Shimmer by R3negade X
  • 3 9 Beyond the Deep by Qurilion
  • 4 8 Hek-Ayah by DreamMaker
  • 5 8 Second Telling of the Supplication of Loke by Seraaron
  • 6 7 Kerplink the Mighty by Tarkol
  • 7 6 The Grailfire by ikenbon
  • 8 6 The Audient Void by Ademal
  • 9 6 Tsovinar's Mercy by Avalokitesha
  • 10 6 The Dark Side of Spawn by Evi105
  • 11 6 Apocrypha by Redclaw123
  • 12 6 Creation Myth by pinksparklesJ
  • 13 5 The Myth of Nibiru by The Dark Pharaoh
  • 14 5 The Beginning of Magic by pinksparklesJ
  • 15 5 The Monster of Shikotsu Lake by pinksparklesJ
  • 16 5 Till It's Over by Cyndergate
  • 17 5 Fulgur's Gift by pinksparklesJ
  • 18 4 The Separation Tale by AlexNerd
  • 19 4 Snow Children by milladamen
  • 20 4 The Black Lamp by tjtrewin
  • 21 4 Mother Axe and the Lake of Tears by ThatBeggar
  • 22 3 Why Female Cheetahs Live Alone by AshWolf Forever
  • 23 3 Creation by MagpiesCrowsAndRavens
  • 24 3 The Dark World by R3negade X
  • 25 3 Ozlith: The Birth of an Empire and the Seven Legions by Dylonishere123
  • 26 2 Origin Myth of the World by darling-gypsum
  • 27 2 Protector of the Mountains by Kelban
  • 28 2 Yesgrathte by Alhandra
  • 29 2 The Sacking of Nova Haikem by Ademal
  • 30 2 Forge Fairies by tjtrewin
  • Organization

  • 1 30 The Circle of Ozahn by Barron
  • 2 14 The Wretched Ones by Swordsfall
  • 3 13 Raiders of Śaba by Qurilion
  • 4 11 The Heijian Tribe by Hanhula
  • 5 9 Districts of Meles by tjtrewin
  • 6 9 Wyldworn Pact by Oneriwien
  • 7 8 Alpha Squadron by SierraKomodo
  • 8 8 Justice of the Emperor by Dark Hobbit
  • 9 8 The Meowfia by Cyndergate
  • 10 7 Abhimaan Monarchy by Qurilion
  • 11 7 Wyeen'cil by ninne124
  • 12 7 The Royal Exploration Society by Tytrius
  • 13 7 Solier Empelle by Gorzealion
  • 14 7 Shinomas Magocracy by Qurilion
  • 15 7 Stormerki International by Evi105
  • 16 7 Wodila'hei Union by ninne124
  • 17 6 Clan Maenos by Oneriwien
  • 18 6 Saurs Family by Oneriwien
  • 19 6 Clan Teith by Oneriwien
  • 20 6 The Six Clans by Oneriwien
  • 21 6 Clan Gerthas by Oneriwien
  • 22 6 Ti'aturi by Qurilion
  • 23 6 Stone Clan by Oneriwien
  • 24 6 Clan Magol by Oneriwien
  • 25 6 Cragarm Family by Oneriwien
  • 26 6 Clan Faroth by Oneriwien
  • 27 6 Prideeye Family by Oneriwien
  • 28 6 Kingdom of Brisland by BKBass
  • 29 6 Sauzin Family by Oneriwien
  • 30 6 Clan Estel by Oneriwien
  • Person / Character

  • 1 18 The White Banshee by yeslittlehummingbird
  • 2 13 Xavian by Swordsfall
  • 3 12 Lyadrí An'thimael by Hanhula
  • 4 10 Example Character: Altanan, the Medikari by Qurilion
  • 5 10 Letomont Mara Tyrau by Barron
  • 6 10 Consumption by Qurilion
  • 7 10 Arkna by ninne124
  • 8 10 The Worm that Devours by Qurilion
  • 9 10 Aiden Tallorann by Redclaw123
  • 10 9 Farrah by ninne124
  • 11 9 Aster Lau'turea by Hanhula
  • 12 8 Vax'hain by Tytrius
  • 13 8 Solas by Oneriwien
  • 14 8 Zell'via by Tytrius
  • 15 7 Ram by Oneriwien
  • 16 7 Minerva by Oneriwien
  • 17 7 Malle Urfan by Oneriwien
  • 18 7 Thanatas by Oneriwien
  • 19 7 Andre Bridges by pinksparklesJ
  • 20 7 Train Goldhammer by Tytrius
  • 21 7 Oul by Oneriwien
  • 22 7 Chiseno by XanthussMarduk
  • 23 7 Parker Malachi by ChaosTearKitsune
  • 24 7 Example Character: Haranha, the Kaia by Qurilion
  • 25 7 Queen Cerilyn by ninne124
  • 26 7 Ouranos by Oneriwien
  • 27 7 Oceanus by Oneriwien
  • 28 7 Allent Scallon by Oneriwien
  • 29 7 Hidvet Stone by Oneriwien
  • 30 7 Terras by Oneriwien
  • Plot

  • 1 9 The Black Stones by pinksparklesJ
  • 2 8 Croatoan Curse by pinksparklesJ
  • 3 7 Bismuth by pinksparklesJ
  • 4 7 Side Story: Alchemist and a Broken One by Revyera
  • 5 7 Muscaria by pinksparklesJ
  • 6 7 Ryoko Family Curse by pinksparklesJ
  • 7 7 Wrustrun by pinksparklesJ
  • 8 7 Nieve's Missing Brother by pinksparklesJ
  • 9 6 Getting To Verivaltus, Staying in Verivaltus by CTQuiche
  • 10 5 The Cut-Knuckle Freeman Revolution by CTQuiche
  • 11 5 The Ancient City by Qurilion
  • 12 4 The Sky Vault Adventure Module by thechosenone
  • 13 3 World of the Beast King by Ademal
  • 14 3 Verivaltus Prologue Summary by CTQuiche
  • 15 3 Garuhn Gebiet 1 (Plot Notes) by Gul'nen
  • 16 2 EPW - Chapter 7 : Strange Return by RwbyMoon
  • 17 2 EPW - Chapter 6 : Zhar'Dark by RwbyMoon
  • Profession

  • 1 17 Shadowtail by Swordsfall
  • 2 14 Blight-Trackers by Qurilion
  • 3 10 Butchers by Qurilion
  • 4 9 The Highland Sea Shaman by Dylonishere123
  • 5 9 Hākari-Kaia by Qurilion
  • 6 8 Adventurer by Evi105
  • 7 7 Gym Leader by Kelban
  • 8 7 Runeseers by Redclaw123
  • 9 6 Nekrobiotek by Qurilion
  • 10 6 The Oathbound by Dylonishere123
  • 11 6 Gunslingers by Dejers
  • 12 5 Star-Chaser by Qurilion
  • 13 4 Necromancers by Redclaw123
  • 14 3 Rune Tattooist by ChaosTearKitsune
  • 15 2 Coggers by kitsuki
  • Ritual / Tradition

  • 1 22 Zombie Boxing by Qurilion
  • 2 15 Katāri - the art of knife-fighting by Qurilion
  • 3 14 Expression of emotions in the Eimai Archipelago by Ondo
  • 4 12 Araea Cookbook by Qurilion
  • 5 10 Angjao by XanthussMarduk
  • 6 7 The Brink by Cyndergate
  • 7 6 Kristmas by Salen
  • 8 6 Horn Cuffing by Ademal
  • 9 4 Festival of Passing by Evi105
  • 10 4 Transerion by ninne124
  • 11 4 Week of Warmth by Endrise
  • 12 4 Day of Light by Qurilion
  • 13 3 Thrice Full Moon by pinksparklesJ
  • 14 3 Autumn Harvest Festival by Heffé
  • 15 3 End of the Semester Feast by milladamen
  • 16 2 Divine Contract by Isaac Thompson
  • 17 2 Melesian Tattoos by tjtrewin
  • 18 2 Day of Remembrance by milladamen
  • 19 2 Festival of Butakh by Quintessence
  • 20 2 Terraforming by ElementalShrike
  • 21 2 Winter Solstice by tjtrewin
  • Rank / Title

  • 1 16 Mwandi by Swordsfall
  • 2 7 Kaia-Tene, the Light-Bearer by Qurilion
  • 3 6 Osaa by ninne124
  • 4 6 Kaia-Ahere, the Pathfinder by Qurilion
  • 5 5 Emerald Representative by pinksparklesJ
  • 6 5 Topaz Representative by pinksparklesJ
  • 7 5 Master Nekrobiotek by Qurilion
  • 8 5 Diamond Representative by pinksparklesJ
  • 9 5 Sapphire Representative by pinksparklesJ
  • 10 5 Shen by XanthussMarduk
  • 11 5 Ruby Representative by pinksparklesJ
  • 12 5 Kaia-Heoa, the Warrior by Qurilion
  • 13 4 Djahl by ninne124
  • 14 3 Kaia-Tani, the Wild Scholars by Qurilion
  • 15 3 Dwarven Axehand by Salen
  • 16 2 The Champion by Kelban
  • 17 2 The blood priest by Redclaw123
  • Settlement

  • 1 11 Tibei by Qurilion
  • 2 10 Sotep-Shiran Project by yeslittlehummingbird
  • 3 9 Dūbavum - the Drowning City by Qurilion
  • 4 8 Everfalls by Oneriwien
  • 5 8 Thawke by Qurilion
  • 6 8 Nelandra (Capital) by Happy4488
  • 7 8 Arem by Tytrius
  • 8 7 Inner Court by Oneriwien
  • 9 7 Akdar by Tytrius
  • 10 7 The Peak by Oneriwien
  • 11 7 Outer Court by Oneriwien
  • 12 7 Northampton by BKBass
  • 13 7 Naneth by Endrise
  • 14 7 Flyte by Oneriwien
  • 15 6 The Far End by Qurilion
  • 16 6 Kannak by Dejers
  • 17 6 Farknell by Oneriwien
  • 18 6 Glory, The Jewel of Hexelon by CTQuiche
  • 19 6 Camp Fleshwatch by Oneriwien
  • 20 6 Kharkorp - City of Ancestors by Qurilion
  • 21 6 Fulgrath by IsaNite
  • 22 6 The Spokes of Verivaltus by CTQuiche
  • 23 5 Lowsprings by pinksparklesJ
  • 24 5 Jaidhan by Hanhula
  • 25 5 Green Valley by pinksparklesJ
  • 26 5 Varna by pinksparklesJ
  • 27 5 Val Kvanda by Mánagarmr
  • 28 4 Beachfield by Avalokitesha
  • 29 4 Natutarrah by ninne124
  • 30 4 Glenshire by BKBass
  • Species

  • 1 38 Floofy Dragons by Jonil02
  • 2 22 Meteorite Tick by Qurilion
  • 3 21 Squittens by Qurilion
  • 4 19 Spirits by Qurilion
  • 5 16 Cloud-Whales by Qurilion
  • 6 16 Raksha by Swordsfall
  • 7 15 The Dwarves by Dylonishere123
  • 8 13 Kushtaka by Oneriwien
  • 9 13 Tarassyr by Avalokitesha
  • 10 12 Kava by ElementalShrike
  • 11 11 Tossabeak by Evi105
  • 12 11 Fire Melons by Qurilion
  • 13 9 Goblin by Dhelian
  • 14 9 Dragons by Cyndergate
  • 15 9 The Undead by Qurilion
  • 16 9 Athelephine by yeslittlehummingbird
  • 17 8 Solemn Hound by Oneriwien
  • 18 8 Rootfish by ElementalShrike
  • 19 8 Mahu'ca by Qurilion
  • 20 8 Goa by darling-gypsum
  • 21 8 Sirens by thechosenone
  • 22 8 Awakened Animals by ikenbon
  • 23 8 Wood Otters by Theiket
  • 24 8 Earth Melon by Qurilion
  • 25 8 Air Melon by Qurilion
  • 26 8 Skimmers by Qurilion
  • 27 8 Dru'un by Mánagarmr
  • 28 8 Shivasteed by Swordsfall
  • 29 7 Goa Strider by Qurilion
  • 30 7 Mankind by Oneriwien
  • Spell / Ability

  • 1 12 Arete - Excellence by Qurilion
  • 2 11 Transfer Healing by ChaosTearKitsune
  • 3 8 War Hymns of the Iskar Astartes by ikenbon
  • 4 8 Fist by PatheticBarrel
  • 5 7 Trait - Mesmer by Ademal
  • 6 5 Arcane Barrier by Avalokitesha
  • 7 5 Control Runes by ChaosTearKitsune
  • 8 4 Habitus by ElementalShrike
  • 9 3 Divine Ultimatum by R3negade X
  • 10 2 Somniloquy by CinderReadsandWrites
  • 11 2 Branding by ApocryphaUniverse
  • 12 2 Emberite Spark by Evi105
  • 13 2 Somnambulism by CinderReadsandWrites
  • 14 2 WE Lifeforce Healing by AnzBananz
  • 15 2 Divine Aid by R3negade X
  • 16 2 Spell: "zarazandra" by zarazandra
  • 17 2 Living Bombs by ApocryphaUniverse
  • Technology / Science

  • 1 15 Atma - the Science of the Balanced Body by Qurilion
  • 2 13 Grist by Ademal
  • 3 10 Hyper-Train by SierraKomodo
  • 4 9 Deva - the Art of Healing by Qurilion
  • 5 9 World Crafting by Evi105
  • 6 8 The Rune Matrix by ikenbon
  • 7 8 The Sixth Flavor by Barron
  • 8 6 Sleeper Ships by BKBass
  • 9 6 Warbeasts by Qurilion
  • 10 6 Ranged Weapons in Araea by Qurilion
  • 11 5 The Outbound Launch System by Muninntales
  • 12 5 Jelly by tjtrewin
  • 13 4 Runeward by Oneriwien
  • 14 4 Artificially Constructed Humanoid by yeslittlehummingbird
  • 15 4 Arcana Processor by Cyndergate
  • 16 4 The Universal Serialized Shipping System by Barron
  • 17 3 Fusion Drive by BKBass
  • 18 3 Golemancy by R3negade X
  • 19 3 Fusion Reactors by BKBass
  • 20 3 Sonic Weaponry by RwbyMoon
  • 21 2 Droids by ligetxcryptid
  • 22 2 Grigoan Calendar by Quintessence
  • 23 2 Jellyhouse by tjtrewin
  • 24 2 Bronzeworking by ElementalShrike
  • 25 2 Compass by ApocryphaUniverse
  • 26 2 Singularity Drives by BKBass
  • Vehicle

  • 1 9 Dragon Tortoises by ikenbon
  • 2 9 Hyper-Drifter by Cyndergate
  • 3 7 Shi'ai - Corpse-Walker Armor by Qurilion
  • 4 7 Thopter 880 by Salen
  • 5 6 Trireme by Dimitris
  • 6 6 Ko.B.O.L.D. Personal Powered Armor by BKBass
  • 7 6 M.M.C. by Jonil02
  • 8 4 World Cruiser by Evi105
  • 9 4 Meissner Trains by Barron
  • 10 4 Legs of the Ether-Tree by Loremaster Oddman
  • 11 3 Contemplative slider by Ondo
  • 12 3 Witch-Mech by ambnz
  • 13 3 Silas's Stupendously Ostentatious Ordinance by Tarkol
  • 14 3 Vampire exoatmospheric strike craft by Redclaw123
  • 15 3 Tengeren by ElementalShrike
  • 16 2 Jelly Trawler by tjtrewin
  • 17 2 S/A-7 "Talon" by SierraKomodo
  • 18 2 Cambra Barge by Janet
  • 19 2 Airships by Salen
  • 20 2 BlackStaff - BS11 by Dejers
  • Last update: 2019-01-01 00:07:15.792738 GMT