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wolfnormandy Progress Report


City in Candora and the former capital of Vidoria.

1993 words

Merkers Claw

885 words

Bishop Abberglade

501 words

The Mages Collective

A group of Mages who regulate the education of Mages and enjoy sticking their nose into politics... also extremely prejudiced.

2355 words

Devish Common Currency

DCC for short, Devish Common Currency consists of two coins, Rounds and Spade.

650 words

Jordan Wrynskovski

1183 words

Niels Olivier

740 words

Rodger Henry Freed

987 words

The Bellale Maids

2012 words


The only known material that can store magical energy. It is a vital material for any Mage and has been integral to industrialization. There is currently a shortage of this material.

998 words

Old Oneism

1606 words

Red Root

822 words

Auto-Light Lamps

457 words

The Bards Guild

572 words

Ivoran Culture

1626 words


440 words

The Crooked Tome

583 words

Lake Wynne

Lake Wynne is a major part of Merkarian life and was also once the cause of a war.

563 words

The Wynnic Journey

1101 words

Alexander Caulfield

1413 words

Clarence Simmonds

886 words


A city of traders on the inland sea, Seeders Lake. Home to the best buisness school in the Empire.

1496 words

Luciana Brendt

1514 words

The Barger House

1024 words

Joel Sills

1591 words

The Green Leaves

696 words

Naadia Carlyle

1214 words

Morrison Krebbit

791 words

Seeders Lake

An important aspect of life in Centeral Candora, Seeders Lake is a hub of trade and home to a minor trade war.

1067 words

Sea Raiders

They'll tell you that they aren't pirates, but they kinda of are.

1088 words

The Tilly Harper's

A sea raider gang on Seeders Lake

912 words

The Red Sparrows

563 words

Arkranic Magic

The most common form of Magic based off of sciences and equations. The science behind this magic can also be used to explain how the world works.

2322 words

Caulfield, Simmonds and Freed Theater Company

This theater company helped change the face of modern Candanese theater and define the modern comedy.

1810 words

Renners Rookery

559 words

The Candanese and Their Tea

A brief overview of the history of Candanese tea, the kinds od tea they drink and their real world counter parts.

1270 words

wolfnormandy Progress so far

57744 words 577.44% completed!

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I am an amateur clarinetist hoping to major in music, as well as a world builder in my spare time. I grew up reading and have a minor addiction to books... as in I have them stacked in not so neat piles on my floor in a fashion not too dissimilar to Meggie and Mo from Inkheart. My bookish adventures have taken me a little bit of everywhere and I now seem to be reading either Victorian and Regency Literature, or Dark and Low fantasy novels, and some science fiction on the side as well. It's everywhere okay, everywhere.   When not reading, writing or practicing my clarinet, I am a tea and coffee addict, cat lover and lover of historical fashion, primarily the 1890's.

Favorite Movies

V for Vendetta, Hot Fuzz, and Ferris Bueller's Day Off

Favorite TV Series

Penny Dreadful, Peaky Blinders and Good Omens

Favorite Books

Far too many to name... far too many...

Favorite Games

Dragon Age Origins, Elder Scrolls Oblivion, Fall Out New Vegas, Bloodborne, Hollow Knight, Witcher III and Fable II

Latest Loved work

Ryker Ereth

The Dandelion Vase

Cradle Ash

That One Time Qur Flattened Half of Apathae

Captain Salavar's Compass

The Red Death

Learn to Live in the Shadows of Dead Gods