Hephaestus Progress Report

Sideways thinker and hospitaller of the Inner Sanctum

Worlds' End Inn

The door to the Worlds' End Inn opens on many worlds. If you're the stuff of which legends are made, someday you'll find the door and get your chance to visit.

977 words

The Foyer

The Foyer is the entry to the Worlds' End Inn through which customers must pass.

550 words

The Main Hall

The Main Hall of the Worlds' End Inn is the place for dining, drinking, entertainment, and meeting friends.

1820 words

Smith's Bar

Smith's Bar is known for the the potency of both the beverages and the conversations.

805 words


Keeper of Smith's Bar and former adventurer.

1952 words


A quiet swordsman sitting in the company of his memories.

378 words

Smith's Lounge

A recent addition to Smith's Bar, the lounge is a great place for long off-topic discussions.

439 words

Guild Hall

The magnificent ground floor of the Worldbuilders' Guild Hall never ceases to awe visitors.

614 words

Worldbuilders' Guild Hall

Where the guild meets and where lodging is available for guild members who decide not to return to their own worlds.

552 words

Grandmasters Chambers

The classic decor and outstanding company makes this a popular place for a quiet conversation.

674 words


The personification of those responsible for the upkeep of The Forge Realm.

387 words


Fictional characters from The Outer Realms who have found their way to The Forge Realm.

219 words


Individuals who spend most, if not all, of their time living and working in The Forge Realm.

166 words

Inner Sanctum Council Chambers

The chambers where the Inner Sanctum meet and have their quarters.

827 words

Hall of Legends

The opulent decor befits the radiant eminences who dwell in this magnificent chamber.

819 words

Hephaestus Progress so far

11179 words 111.79% completed!

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After a somewhat disappointing entry into the world (I had been holding out for the role of Gregory Peck, but it had been filled long before and I had simply failed to notice the announcement.), I proceeded to have a childhood that gave me access to a number of strange and curious adults. This, coupled with my habit of reading anything that anyone bothered to set in print, caused me to realize that the world is full of truly dreadful people who will attempt to enforce normalcy upon otherwise intelligent and imaginative children.   Since that time, I have done my best to disrupt those who would impose order at the expense of creativity. Ironically, this has led to a number of postings as a deep agent in some of the most uptight organizations imaginable. My record of leaving a trail of chaos behind speaks for itself.

Interests & Hobbies

Writing, Worldbuilding, Role Playing Games (either as gamemaster or player), Photography, Typography, Graphic Arts, Science, Astronomy

Favorite Movies

Big Trouble in Little China, Rollerball (the real one), Westerns, Easterns (Asian historical movies), Blazing Saddles, The Princess Bride, Twelve O'Clock High, Duck Soup, The Three Musketeers, Casablanca

Favorite TV Series

I've heard of this TV thing, but I suspect that it's just a fad that will soon fade away.

Favorite Writers

Douglas Adams, Piers Anthony, Isaac Asimov, Iain M. Banks, Ray Bradbury, Marion Zimmer Bradley, Octavia Butler, Arthur C. Clarke, Arthur Conan Doyle, George Alec Effinger, Harlan Ellison, L. Frank Baum, Dashiell Hammett, Harry Harrison, Robert Heinlein, Jospeh Heller, Tom Holt, Robert E. Howard, Fritz Leiber, Herman Melville, Michael Moorcock, Walter Mosley, Larry Niven, Andre Norton, Frederik Pohl, Robert Silverberg, Rex Stout, Mark Twain, Jack Vance, Jules Verne, Vernor Vinge, Kurt Vonnegut, Walter Jon Williams, Gene Wolfe, Roger Zelazny, et al.

Latest Loved work

Sisterhood of the Den Mother

Peak Elf

Our Mother of Mercy

Formatting Hints

The Spark Kiln

Eater's Feast
