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Sun Dec 1st - Wed Jan 1st

WorldEmber 2019

10,000 words, 31 Days, $1000+ in Prizes!
Number of Entries 43140
Number of Competitors 7471

Do you want to get your worldbuilding skills up to scratch? Join the fun!


Finish 2019 with an achievement! Start 2020 with a bang!

We challenge you to write 10,000 words of new worldbuilding content this December! Check out the prizes and rules below!

Read the Rules View Leaderboard

WorldEmber 2019 is proudly sponsored by:

Prize Categories

Some awards win only badges, and some win prizes too! Check below to see what you could win!


Over WorldEmber you can win over $1000 USD of prizes, including some amazing goodies from our Sponsors! Prize Winner’s Raffle. All WorldEmber participants who achieve a word count of 10,000 words or more will be automatically entered into the WorldEmber Prize Winners' raffle, for a chance to win some awesome prizes!

Wordcount Badges

  • WorldEmber Winner : write 10,000 words!
  • Achieve this, and you've won WorldEmber!!

    The following badges are optional and grant no bonus prizes:
  • The Novella Award : write 25,000 words - a small novel’s worth!
  • The Novel Achievement Award : write 50,000 words - just like NaNoWriMo, but for worldbuilding!
  • Trilogy Award : write 150,000 words - only for the brave! That’s three times NaNoWriMo! Please check with your doctor, spouse and cat before considering this much writing!

  • Please note that higher wordcounts will be vigorously checked for copypasting, plagiarism, and rule breaking.
    Don't risk disqualification over a badge!

Badges With Prizes

  • Community’s Favourite Article : chosen based on community likes
  • Community’s Favourite Body of Work : chosen based on community likes over all of their WorldEmber-eligible articles
  • Most Words : chosen based on the most WorldEmber-eligible words written
  • Human of the Match : for a good spirit who has ranked high in many categories and has really captured the community spirit of WorldEmber. Given at the World Anvil Team’s discretion.

  • Staff Category Community Favourite : Best Article
  • Staff Category Community Favourite : Best Body of Work

Special Categories

Special categories are an opportunity to win an exclusive prize! To be eligible, try and get the most likes on an article using these templates. After the World Anvil Team have checked the shortlist for eligibility, the Sponsor or Deity guild member will judge the top 10 articles and pick the lucky winner!
There is a maximum wordcount limit on special category articles. If your article exceeds 5,000 words it will not be eligible for a special category award. In the case of multiple articles by the same author within the shortlist, only the most liked entry will be judged!
All artwork used in special category entries MUST BE CREDITED.

Note that the Generic Article, Prose and Session Report templates are excluded from this list and have no special category.

To enter a special category, click a template below and get worldbuilding! Check out the prizes in each special category to see what you could win!
Awarded by:

MEGA ART BOX containing:
Medieval Calligraphy by Marc Drogin
Wooden box with ink from Winsor & Newton
Skillshare gift voucher for 3 months
Platinum carbon desk fountain pen
Platinum ink cartridge
Aluminum box
Awarded/Bestowed by:
To be revealed soon!
Awarded by:

A 50$ bundle of fanasty art assets
Awarded by:
Campaign Coins

A $50 gift card
Awarded/Bestowed by:
To be revealed soon!
Bestowed by:
Laughing Prophet

Pick from a titanic collection of Humble Bundle game keys!
Awarded by:
Tabletop Loot
A Deven Rue Map Dice bag, a Tabletop Loot dice tray in one of 7 colors (Orange, Purple, Navy, Black, Hunter Green, Neon Pink or Neon Green), a $50 gift card, and a backpack dice tower!
Bestowed by:
1st Prize -
  • $100 PayPal
  • 1- Auras Beyond Adventure by Spinster
  • 1-""Misty Kingdom"" Faction Creation (Lifetime Subscription)"
2nd Prize -
  • 1 - Character Portrait of choice created by the talented artist Nico RedMark
  • 1- Auras Beyond Adventure by Spinster
  • 1-""Misty Kingdom"" Faction Creation (Lifetime Subscription)"
3rd Prize -
  • 1- Auras Beyond Adventure by Spinster
  • 1-""Misty Kingdom"" Faction Creation (Lifetime Subscription)"
Awarded/Bestowed by:
To be revealed soon!
Awarded by:
Kobold Press

Creature Codex for 5th Edition
Awarded by:
Ironrise Games

A copy of Ironrise board game
Awarded/Bestowed by:
To be revealed soon!
Awarded/Bestowed by:
To be revealed soon!


The goal of WorldEmber is to achieve 10,000 words of original worldbuilding content on World Anvil during the month of December. The platform will automatically track the words you write!

Words which count towards WorldEmber are:
  • Words written in articles only. Any words written in timelines, RPG blocks, maps, notes, secrets or historical events DO NOT count towards your total wordcount
  • Words written in PUBLIC articles (rather than private) and PUBLISHED articles (and not drafts)!
  • Words written in articles created after the start of World Ember (1st December 2019)
  • Articles will only add to your wordcount if they have over 50 words

  • Special Provision: Stubs If you have a stub (article under 50 words) written/started before the beginning of December you can enter it into WorldEmber.
    In order to do that, follow these instructions carefully:
    1. Open the article that has a wordcount of under 50 words
    2. click the ADDITIONAL ACTIONS tab on the right hand side
    3. Click the Reset Date button. This process will update the creation date of the article to the current date.

When does it run?

WorldEmber happens throughout December:
  • PST (Pacific USA)
    • START: 00:00 on December 1st
      END: 23:59 on December 31st
  • EST (Eastern USA)
    • START: 03:00 on December 1st
      END: 02:59 on January 1st
  • GMT (Greenwich Mean)
    • START: 08:00 on December 1st
      END: 07:59 on January 1st
  • ACST (Australian Central)
    • START: 19:00 on November 30th
      END: 18:59 on January 1st


If you’re eligible for a prize (which you will find out during the WorldEmber 2019 Awards Ceremony Stream and/or associted blog post) you will have 2 weeks to contact us with your postal address, email address and full name. By submitting this information, you also give your permission for World Anvil to pass your details on to the prize-giver, which will be a sponsor or World Anvil Deity. This will allow the sponsor in question to send out the prize(s) to you. We can also give you the sponsor/company’s contact details so you can address any further questions to them directly.

If you are eligible for a prize - be it community favorite, prize draw winner, special category or most words - your work will be checked for cheating.

The following acts count as cheating:

  • Like boosting via secondary “alt” accounts
  • Word count boosting (for example, using Lorem Ipsum / placeholder text or copy & pasting other author’s work or reference material).
  • Plagiarism
  • Creating non-worldbuilding content with the intention of winning a particular badge, prize, or special category. This includes blog posts as articles, dev/project updates, and other meta posts. WorldEmber is about worldbuilding!
  • For Special Categories in particular, all artwork used MUST BE CREDITED. Art theft isn't cool, and using it to win prizes could get you disqualified.
Whilst we recognise the need to share your work in order to accrue community likes, excessive campaigning or spamming on the Discord server will lead to Moderator action.

The words must be your own original worldbuilding content.
All judges decisions are final.

Sharing your work

Since many of the prize categories of WorldEmber involve community likes, it’s a good idea to share your work on social media, with your friends and family and with the wider worldbuilding community.

Join us on our Discord server to get feedback from other worldbuilders! Excessive campaigning or spamming on the Discord server will lead to Moderator action.

Use the hashtag #WorldEmber2019 on social media and the official World Anvil social media accounts may share your work for more exposure! You can also contact us about streaming your World Anvil worldbuilding sessions over WorldEmber, to get access to official fan overlays, and with a possibility of being hosted on the official World Anvil Twitch channel. To do that, send an email to [email protected].

Article Critique

This year we will not be running article critique in our discord, but instead will be launching a channel called #worldember-showcase. In this channel you will be able to show off one of your articles every 24hrs! If you are looking for critique and feedback on your worldbuilding, we encourage you to post your article on Reddit. Some fantastic communities for this are: /r/WorldAnvil, /r/worldbuilding, /r/fantasyworldbuilding and /r/DnD! Please check the pinned messages in the Discord channel for full details.


How do I enter?
    Make your free account on World Anvil, create a world, and get writing! The website will automatically track your word count progress.

Do timelines & category pages count?
    Nope! Check the rules! Words written in articles only. Any words written in timelines, RPG blocks, maps, notes, secrets or historical events DO NOT count towards your total wordcount.

The leaderboard is delayed with wordcount/likes, why is this?
    The leaderboard information refreshes periodically to prevent it from creating lag on the website. Check back in an hour or so and it will have updated! In the meantime, why don't you GO WORLDBUILD?!

Can I copy in my old work or stuff I did in NaNoWriMo?
    Verbatim copying of previously done work (even your own!) is not in the spirit of the competition, but expanding on previous work - for example, creating a book bible extrapolated from the first draft of a novel - is just fine.

Do I have to pick a single world to work on for my wordcount?
    Nope! Wordcount is per author, so you can write across as many worlds as you like!

What about co-authors?
    Multiple co-authors can write in a single world; their word counts are accumulated based on individual user, not the world they write in.

How do I get people to like my article?
    You can increase visibility of your articles by sharing them on Social Media - remember to hashtag #WorldEmber2019 and the official World Anvil Social Media may share your post! Remember that your fans will need a free World Anvil account in order to like your article and show their love! Like-boosting through alternate/multi accounts will disqualify you from any prizes you might otherwise have won.

When will the winners be announced?
    The winners will be announced at the WorldEmber 2019 Awards Ceremony stream, a special live-streamed Awards Ceremony on our Twitch - The projected date for this is February 2nd 2020, at 20:00 GMT (12pm PST). If you can't tune in live, you can watch on VoD, or read the partner blog that we release which will contain a full list of usernames of all the winners! We will keep you updated our Discord and social media nearer the time!

When will the badges be given out?
    Once the Awards Ceremony has taken place and all the winners have been announced, we will start the process of giving out the badges. World Anvil has over 500,000 users, though, so this might take a minute! Please be patient!

I won a prize. How do I claim it?
    The prize winners will be announced at the WorldEmber 2019 Awards Ceremony and also listed on a blog post. This will probably be on February 2nd, 2020, but we'll confirm this nearer the time. If you have won a prize, you have two weeks to email your World Anvil username, name, email address and full international postal address (double check it!) to [email protected] (Due to GDPR regulations we destroy all information after use, so even if you've won a previous competition we will need your address again!)
    If you do not claim the prize within the allotted time, it will be distributed at World Anvil's discretion.

When is my prize coming?
    Most of the WorldEmber prizes are donated by our amazing sponsors, and they are the ones responsible for shipping your gifts! Once we have your details, we pass those on to the sponsor, and the sponsor will fulfill delivery within a month. So, six weeks or so after the prizes are announced, you should have your prize! If by then you still haven't received something, we can you provide you their contact details for any further questions.

Why do my articles have to be public?
    Articles need to be public in order for the word count to be updated, and also for our team to be able to check for any cheating.

Can I make my articles private, or delete or edit things after the event?
    After the Awards Ceremony, yes! If you make your articles private or delete them before the ceremony has taken place, you may forfeit your digital badge or your prize, as our team will be unable to check your work for cheating.

Can I sponsor a prize?
    Well, aren't you awesome for asking! All our sponsorships are full for this event, but if you are interested in becoming a sponsor for one of our future events, let us know at [email protected]!

How do I submit my article to WorldEmber?
    All eligible words are automatically counted by the World Anvil platform. You don’t need to do anything except write them!

How do I enter an article for a Special Category?
    To take part, simply write an article using the specified template. A shortlist of the top 10 articles - as judged by community favourites - will be submitted to the judge of the competition, which is almost always the sponsor of that special category. The judge will choose the winner at their own discretion, by their own means. There is a maximum wordcount limit on special category articles. If your article exceeds 5,000 words it will not be counted in the shortlist. Even with this limit, the judge would potentially have to read up to 50,000 words of worldbuilding to pick a winner!

How does the judging of Special Categories work?
    Each special category is sponsored or bestowed by an individual or company (check the details further up the page). The judge may or may not have a prize for the special category, but each one has a unique badge to win. The top 10 articles by most likes (not including multiple entries from the same user) are checked for cheating & plagiarism by the World Anvil team. The shortlist of articles is then passed to the judge, who will pick a sole winner at their discretion and own judging criteria. The judge of the Special Category will have until 21st January to make their decision. If they are unable to do so in that time frame, the World Anvil Team will adjudicate for them.

What is Human of the Match?
    The Human of the Match is a competitor with good community spirit who has (usually) ranked high in several categories, and has really captured the community spirit of WorldEmber. They may be a prolific commenter, have a team spirit, and concentrate on lifting up other competitors and furthering the art of worldbuilding rather than their own private goals - basically, a great human. This award is given at the World Anvil Team’s discretion.

A person has many entries in a Special Category leaderboard, is that fair?
    Yep! As stated above the special categories section - only your most liked article is the one that will be judged if you are in the top 10 of that category. If it looks like an individual is taking up all of the top 10 slots, that's not the case!

Why was the article critique removed from Discord this year?
    We love trying out new things, and this is one of them! Last year we had a channel on our Discord server, but it required heavy moderation. With over 15,000 users in the Discord it needed round the clock surveillance. We want to try out Reddit as an easier format to use and to encourage people to share their worldbuilding online!

Staff Participation

Our World Anvil team and main volunteers - including Enchanters and Discord Moderators - will have their own league for the most liked article and most liked body of work. They will still be eligible for the 10k Prize Winner’s draw, "Most Words" prize, and all Special Categories except those they may be adjudicating.

Worldember Special Categories

Click on a prompt to write your response.
Let the games begin!

Join the Race!

Do you want to get your worldbuilding skills up to scratch? Join the fun!



Authors by Words
(WE Winners+ only)

Top Authors by Total Likes

Top Entries By Likes

Top Authors by number of Entries


  • 1 37 Fae Mark by ninne124
  • 2 17 The 30/30 Curse by solkyoshiro
  • 3 16 Living Lesion by Ultrahuntr
  • 4 14 Flamelung by Darkseid
  • 5 13 Dark Mark by ninne124
  • 6 13 Crystal Man Disease by Endrise
  • 7 12 Reality Disassociation Disorder by Qurilion
  • 8 11 Mana Deficiency by ChaosTearKitsune
  • 9 10 Ethical Sheen by Dylonishere123
  • 10 10 Spirit Mark by ninne124
  • 11 9 The Sludge by WyrdBard
  • 12 9 Air Mark by ninne124
  • 13 9 Light Mark by ninne124
  • 14 8 Oversaturation (condition) by Revyera
  • 15 8 Water Mark by ninne124
  • 16 7 Earth Mark by ninne124
  • 17 7 Toxoplasma gondii by milladamen
  • 18 7 Fire Mark by ninne124
  • 19 6 The Corruption by BKBass
  • 20 5 Forge's Calling by Regulus_Vaikyn
  • 21 4 Seedpox by Tuisku
  • 22 4 Portal Marks by SolarCat02
  • 23 4 Earth Touched by Jester%
  • 24 3 Skye by F4D3
  • 25 3 Possession by Revyera
  • 26 3 The Brand by Umrankonga
  • 27 2 Goblin-Claw Infection by PurgatoryDracorn
  • 28 2 Fredwalds guide to the Mystical Realm: 2, Green bloods. by Tonarus
  • 29 2 Sinner's Blood by ReneeGracie
  • 30 2 Rasping Rage by Kummer Wolfe
  • 31 2 Immortaity Salience by Selene0011
  • 32 2 Soulbonded by Lenosallose
  • 33 2 Soul Pressure by F4D3
  • 34 2 Black Fel Corruption by Jester%
  • 35 2 Changeling Curse by Three Goblins In A Coat
  • 36 1 Magical Mutation by IbbyWondrous
  • 37 1 Elemental Engorgement by WDMichael
  • 38 1 Reptilus Mentis by Solstice
  • 39 1 Vampirialism by 7ClanSongTeller
  • 40 1 Immortality by BasicDragon
  • 41 1 Voidtouched by NatfromGameFire
  • 42 1 Wood Warts by hughpierre
  • 43 1 Black Fever by Ultrahuntr
  • 44 1 The Draining Hand by Ninodonlord
  • 45 1 pox by abutan
  • 46 1 Wild Scars by strawberryAle
  • 47 1 Mana Sickness by Foxyowlet
  • Important Document

  • 1 14 Captain Prestcotton's Excursion to Find a Feudworm [Juri-P-20193] by A Lambent Eye
  • 2 13 Taxonomy in the New Age by iamtheline
  • 3 13 WeirD&D: The Cannibal Cusine of Elves, Master Cookbook by Qurilion
  • 4 12 Aftermath of a Cataclysm by Darkseid
  • 5 10 Aba: Lord of Aenar by AnzBananz
  • 6 10 Pathfinder Codices by Dylonishere123
  • 7 10 Articles of War by Sable Aradia
  • 8 10 Fable, Myhren's Spellbook by Sterrestel
  • 9 9 Illustrated Field Guide to Medicinal Herbs by SolarCat02
  • 10 8 Demonology and classification of Demons from The Another Realm by Meevee
  • 11 8 "On creation of anomalies" by Dr. Dylon I. Shere by Revyera
  • 12 7 Captain Amaya's Journal by Starfarertheta
  • 13 6 Erona's Traitor by AnzBananz
  • 14 6 Izruth's Journal by Eraellas
  • 15 5 Of the Guladar and their Methods by Eden Master
  • 16 5 Reflections of the Raven Lord by milladamen
  • 17 5 Diaries of the Dyiiladuun Fleet by Isaac Thompson
  • 18 4 The Subterranean Guide to the Surface World by Endrise
  • 19 4 The Affirmation of Avalon by Sable Aradia
  • 20 3 Discovery by TheMonarch
  • 21 2 The Litany of Creation by rudysb9
  • 22 2 Security Breach 0134-07-1119 by Krop Tor
  • 23 2 A Natural History of Brunivard, Plate 6 by Orlon
  • 24 2 A Natural History of Brunivard, Plate 1 by Orlon
  • 25 2 A Natural History of Brunivard, Plate 4 by Orlon
  • 26 2 Inquiries for the Immortal by TheExasperatedDM
  • 27 2 Report 71-1: The Sketh, Pathologic Examination. by Kittymonster
  • 28 2 Glossary & Pronunciation Guide by notrobertfrost
  • 29 1 Galactipedia by Selene0011
  • 30 1 Investigative Ledger Of Koring Hart by Solstice
  • 31 1 rusalkas-grimoire-article-archived-1577148868rusalkas-grimoire-article-archived-1577148868 by Tiffany Dayle
  • 32 1 A Natural History of Brunivard by Orlon
  • 33 1 Nomenclatura. Ampla. Arcanentum. Monstrumque. Fratris. Guzmanis by Umrankonga
  • 34 1 A Study on Magic and Mana by Fantomturtle
  • 35 1 The Creed by Jester%
  • 36 1 Book of Philoma by Jester%
  • 37 1 Chapter 1 - Avoid the mouth of invisible monsters by CatRobi
  • 38 1 A Study on Monsters by Fantomturtle
  • 39 1 A Natural History of Brunivard, Plate 2 by Orlon
  • 40 1 Book of Sins Volume 1 by IanMcKellenLover44927
  • 41 1 The Book Of Blackest Night by Solstice
  • 42 1 A Study on the Integration of Mana into Modern Technology and Beyond by Fantomturtle
  • 43 1 Braving the Fey by halfblake
  • 44 1 The Melodic Concord by Link
  • 45 1 Sentientologic Methodology by Kittymonster
  • 46 1 Relation officielle de la prise de Grenade by Mishralalayana
  • 47 1 Break Those Knuckles by Valcin
  • 48 1 Treatise on the Magics of Blood by hughpierre
  • 49 1 "On Progress", Lecture Notes of the Grand Philosopher, 45.2.724 by Travakh
  • 50 1 Rules of Runesmithing by ChaosTearKitsune
  • Ethnicity

  • 1 18 Corper by Qurilion
  • 2 12 The Spider Masters of the North by ImoenKim
  • 3 12 Yamashic People by Hanhula
  • 4 11 Qatiip by Timepool
  • 5 10 Kub-Glorrha by Timepool
  • 6 10 Sidhe by Sable Aradia
  • 7 9 Gray by Revyera
  • 8 9 Gokh by Timepool
  • 9 9 Alfar by Sable Aradia
  • 10 7 Mudeweian Sandibari by rudysb9
  • 11 7 Leaf Clan by ChaosTearKitsune
  • 12 7 Ambrelian by Dhelian
  • 13 6 Valsheri by iamtheline
  • 14 5 Votaw by Timepool
  • 15 4 The Hunters of Nerlakia by Deviboi
  • 16 3 Blessed by Oneriwien
  • 17 3 Constructs by Oneriwien
  • 18 3 A'hish by Billings
  • 19 3 Candied by F4D3
  • 20 3 Andovians by SolarCat02
  • 21 2 Beastfolk by Oneriwien
  • 22 2 Marans by Heffé
  • 23 2 Ionian by Selene0011
  • 24 2 Lessai by iamtheline
  • 25 2 Udirkith by WiredIn
  • 26 2 Dyiiladuunawa by Isaac Thompson
  • 27 1 Nokgnid by dustydruid
  • 28 1 Callistonian by Selene0011
  • 29 1 Gunsild Folk by Eden Master
  • 30 1 Katzen by Incogn3ko
  • 31 1 Ceresian by Selene0011
  • 32 1 Drifters by Johnatron3000
  • 33 1 Boreal by WiredIn
  • 34 1 Etrian by Selene011
  • 35 1 Venusian by Selene0011
  • 36 1 Exegi by nielz1908
  • 37 1 Terran by Selene0011
  • 38 1 Primal Sages by Kirileia
  • 39 1 Kuldaran by tjtrewin
  • 40 1 Muxteran Sandibari by rudysb9
  • 41 1 Rangers by hughpierre
  • 42 1 Tightish by A Lambent Eye
  • 43 1 Þonnani by Lappalingur
  • 44 1 Haimarchist by Ademal
  • Formation

  • 1 15 Ordo Emelia by Darkseid
  • 2 14 Mētia Arīsi by Dhelian
  • 3 11 Eberstark Unions by Dylonishere123
  • 4 10 The Wyvern Knights by Deviboi
  • 5 8 Pie Throwers by Daskalarch
  • 6 7 The Legion by Revyera
  • 7 6 The Smiling 27 by Revyera
  • 8 6 Mining Team by SolarCat02
  • 9 4 Cockatrice Knights by Graydon Dric
  • 10 4 Helborg by Jester%
  • 11 3 Companions by davidarthursteele
  • 12 3 The Supreme Army by Eraellas
  • 13 2 Bladedancers by Tonarus
  • 14 2 Tharurian Raptor Cavalry by Tiirikka
  • 15 1 Vanguards by Vasiil
  • 16 1 The Khazanian Legion by CalofGearva
  • 17 1 the-wardens-article-archived-1575799830the-wardens-article-archived-1575799830 by Incogn3ko
  • 18 1 Shadow Guard by hughpierre
  • 19 1 Mirror Knights by Harvester19
  • 20 1 Gunner Legion by Adcheryl
  • Item

  • 1 16 Woe-Blade by Qurilion
  • 2 16 Bardic Seals by Dylonishere123
  • 3 14 Ring of the Light-Bearer by ninne124
  • 4 14 Drop of Ecstasy by Revyera
  • 5 13 Kuetilari by Dhelian
  • 6 12 Gob-Lue by Qurilion
  • 7 12 Shockpike by Qurilion
  • 8 11 The Everywhere Stone by Qurilion
  • 9 11 Mementos by Dylonishere123
  • 10 11 Inevitable, the Blade that Cuts Time by Qurilion
  • 11 10 Hand Cannon by milladamen
  • 12 10 Gateway by ninne124
  • 13 10 Daylight Crystallamp by Vertixico
  • 14 10 Speargun by Revyera
  • 15 10 Alfen Lanterns by Dylonishere123
  • 16 10 Inconvenient Suitcase by SolarCat02
  • 17 8 The Wailing Worm by Qurilion
  • 18 7 Identification Chip by Davina
  • 19 7 Galriks by Selene0011
  • 20 7 Opinionated Blade by SolarCat02
  • 21 6 Alchemy Box by SolarCat02
  • 22 6 Warmth Stone by ImoenKim
  • 23 6 Metalmancy Shield by SolarCat02
  • 24 5 Ytzklachli by Timepool
  • 25 4 Magi-Organ by ChaosTearKitsune
  • 26 4 Golden Guns by Lenosallose
  • 27 4 Green Swamp's Praise by Vertixico
  • 28 4 Golden Gun Bullets by Lenosallose
  • 29 3 Ana's Flame Bombs by Lenosallose
  • 30 3 The Keeper Weapons by IsaNite
  • 31 3 Currency of the Eight Lands by Theiket
  • 32 3 Savagery by Eraellas
  • 33 3 Zaísse Adégha by Whizzkid
  • 34 3 Thornmail by Kelban
  • 35 2 The Spear of Devir-Ignis by Lenosallose
  • 36 2 Far Reaching Speech Stones by ChaosTearKitsune
  • 37 2 The Grimoire of Hidden Knowledge by Aerdran
  • 38 2 Heart of Gaul by WiredIn
  • 39 2 Credit by Davina
  • 40 2 Arkanian Coin Standard by LaughingProphet
  • 41 2 Teething Toys by Lenosallose
  • 42 2 Krin by rudysb9
  • 43 2 Excalibur by Sterrestel
  • 44 2 Atmospheric Projector by Edra
  • 45 1 Thyxias' Blade by PurgatoryDracorn
  • 46 1 Siren's Bubbles by Revyera
  • 47 1 Heavy Ordinance Assault Suit (H.O.A.S) by Jester%
  • 48 1 Maurynith Family Amulet by plantthot
  • 49 1 The Ice Sword by Zordlan
  • 50 1 Koruna by bytebodger
  • Language

  • 1 19 Ancient Auric by tjtrewin
  • 2 15 The Ozolithian Language by Dylonishere123
  • 3 12 Corp-Speak by Qurilion
  • 4 8 Caač language by Tuisku
  • 5 6 Giant by Shiftrex
  • 6 6 Goblin by Shiftrex
  • 7 6 Ilenic by SpyglassRealms
  • 8 6 Gashan by Dhelian
  • 9 5 Orc by Shiftrex
  • 10 5 Primordial by Shiftrex
  • 11 5 Aarakocran by Shiftrex
  • 12 5 Syndra's Runes by RiverFang
  • 13 5 Unilang by Selene0011
  • 14 4 Auran by Shiftrex
  • 15 4 Halfling by Shiftrex
  • 16 4 Deep Dwarvish by Shiftrex
  • 17 3 Forked Tongue by Shiftrex
  • 18 3 Languages of Salan by Tuisku
  • 19 2 Þinninún by Lappalingur
  • 20 2 Yulemtan by Isaac Thompson
  • 21 2 Feline by Shiftrex
  • 22 2 Sang Picture Writing by hughpierre
  • 23 2 Garanya by Isaac Thompson
  • 24 2 Terran by Shiftrex
  • 25 2 Ignan by Shiftrex
  • 26 2 Taurian by Shiftrex
  • 27 2 Language of the Lords by Revyera
  • 28 1 Aquan by Shiftrex
  • 29 1 Lenthiri by milladamen
  • 30 1 Moon Runes by WazzukBallz
  • 31 1 Dwarvish by Shiftrex
  • 32 1 High Common by Isklexi
  • 33 1 Infernal by Shiftrex
  • 34 1 Celestial by Shiftrex
  • 35 1 A'hia by Billings
  • 36 1 Sandibar-Stenza by rudysb9
  • 37 1 Deep Primordial by Orlon
  • 38 1 Old Roinja by gtempel
  • (Super)Natural Law

  • 1 16 Arcana Mortis by Dylonishere123
  • 2 14 Airts by Sable Aradia
  • 3 14 Vitality Magic by Dhelian
  • 4 11 The Weave by Kummer Wolfe
  • 5 11 Wordwhirlwind by Qurilion
  • 6 10 Dark Magic by ninne124
  • 7 9 Attunement by Dylonishere123
  • 8 9 Colors of Magic, Their Meanings, and Why They Manifest by shyredfox
  • 9 9 Blights by Lenosallose
  • 10 8 Oversaturation (geographic anomaly) by Revyera
  • 11 8 Scales of the Dragon Gods by RiverFang
  • 12 7 Light Magic by ninne124
  • 13 6 Wormholes & Portals by Sable Aradia
  • 14 6 Fae Reincarnation by Endrise
  • 15 5 Etheric Membrane by Sable Aradia
  • 16 5 Transmutation by Tiirikka
  • 17 4 Virtues and Vices by WyrdBard
  • 18 4 The Ur-Souls by IsaNite
  • 19 4 Illusion by Tiirikka
  • 20 4 Necromancy by Tiirikka
  • 21 3 Threads of Reality by BasicDragon
  • 22 3 Evocation by Tiirikka
  • 23 3 Living Mana by Kummer Wolfe
  • 24 3 Conjuration by Tiirikka
  • 25 3 Myndsál by Lenosallose
  • 26 3 Reiryoku by RiverFang
  • 27 3 Enchantment by Tiirikka
  • 28 3 Reiatsu by RiverFang
  • 29 3 Reishi by RiverFang
  • 30 3 Tethers by Lupe
  • 31 3 Abjuration by Tiirikka
  • 32 3 The Revised Kardashev Scale by Johnatron3000
  • 33 3 Hexes and Curses by Jester%
  • 34 2 Gravity Wells by Sable Aradia
  • 35 2 Divination by Tiirikka
  • 36 2 Arcane Thew by PatheticBarrel
  • 37 2 Collective Knowledge by rudysb9
  • 38 2 Breath of Somniel by Lenosallose
  • 39 2 Magic by revenant0713
  • 40 2 The Sun of Solaurin by Lenosallose
  • 41 2 Fleuve de temps by Mishralalayana
  • 42 2 Konning Castle Anomaly by thechosenone
  • 43 1 Magic by Kummer Wolfe
  • 44 1 The Opening of a Door by Fantomturtle
  • 45 1 Spirit Crossings by Jester%
  • 46 1 The Keepers by IsaNite
  • 47 1 Gracious Wind by Dark Hobbit
  • 48 1 Flux by Cidthulhu
  • 49 1 Awakening: The Binding of Magic by Jester%
  • 50 1 Magic by hcraven
  • Building / Landmark

  • 1 23 Dunhearst Asylum by IsaNite
  • 2 20 Spielzeug Schäfer: The Toyshop by Dylonishere123
  • 3 13 Throne Room of a Thousand Trees by ninne124
  • 4 13 Monument of Arvilan by Redclaw123
  • 5 11 World Ends Inn by Lenosallose
  • 6 10 The Sweet Slice by Laurabones
  • 7 9 Naya's Enchanting and Scripting by RiverFang
  • 8 8 Sinclair's by Jarissa
  • 9 7 Granny Ada's Home Diner by Revyera
  • 10 7 Farcan's Weapons by RiverFang
  • 11 7 Glenshire Manor by BKBass
  • 12 7 Watchtower - Hesi by Dhelian
  • 13 7 Kiretia by Dhelian
  • 14 7 Pigment Factory by Revyera
  • 15 7 Castle Rumanzurael by Elfo
  • 16 6 Static anomaly by Revyera
  • 17 6 Chummer's by Davina
  • 18 5 Rathole Pawnshop by Tiirikka
  • 19 5 Blackrock Fortress by Kummer Wolfe
  • 20 5 Ytzklatolix by Timepool
  • 21 4 The Basement of World Ends Inn by Lenosallose
  • 22 4 Underground Necropolis of Necros by hcraven
  • 23 4 The Wall of Sinners by Timepool
  • 24 4 Tomb of Manuel II by davidarthursteele
  • 25 3 Star Seasons Academy by F4D3
  • 26 3 Valley of Sorrow by Laurabones
  • 27 3 Metallurgy Monopolized HQ by Eraellas
  • 28 3 Temple of Devir-Ignis by Lenosallose
  • 29 3 The Crypts of Staerow by Lenosallose
  • 30 3 The Prison Temple of Perice by Lenosallose
  • 31 2 Whudyoc Volcano by Mishralalayana
  • 32 2 Deadlands Manor by Tonarus
  • 33 2 Central Point Library by Lenosallose
  • 34 2 Tin Street Couriers by KilvinMagnus
  • 35 2 Elemental Surge by Trea
  • 36 2 Jugan Wall by Jester%
  • 37 1 Department of Chronology by Eofa
  • 38 1 Scaleheart Cathedral by KilvinMagnus
  • 39 1 Allentia Alchemics by KilvinMagnus
  • 40 1 The Castle of Ciarán by Lenosallose
  • 41 1 The Fishery by KilvinMagnus
  • 42 1 Altmanon Gallery by KilvinMagnus
  • 43 1 Kinnatan's Arms and Outfitters by KilvinMagnus
  • 44 1 Dra Toren by Jester%
  • 45 1 Experimental Test Chambers by Eofa
  • 46 1 The House of Vaunted Brass by KilvinMagnus
  • 47 1 Black Fortress by Jester%
  • 48 1 Sunfall Spire by KilvinMagnus
  • 49 1 Esper Innovations by KilvinMagnus
  • 50 1 Jörmungandr by Mattias Mint
  • Geographic Location

  • 1 18 Qurilion's Forge by Dhelian
  • 2 15 The Labyrinth by Qurilion
  • 3 13 Pagan Hills by Rynn19
  • 4 13 Espada by Dylonishere123
  • 5 12 The Great Archive by Lenosallose
  • 6 12 Qimbyr Pass by RiverFang
  • 7 10 The Black March by Dylonishere123
  • 8 10 The Sapphire Deep by Revyera
  • 9 9 The Hearthwood by iamtheline
  • 10 9 Corripowa River by ninne124
  • 11 9 Kanden by ninne124
  • 12 8 Dead Tongue by Toblin
  • 13 8 Lokira by SolarCat02
  • 14 8 Anidara - The Southern Daughter by Darkseid
  • 15 7 Blackguard Ocean by SolarCat02
  • 16 7 Sliirninor Mountains by SolarCat02
  • 17 7 Obsidian Forest by Revyera
  • 18 7 Briar Hill by ninne124
  • 19 6 Tempest Valley by ZogMadDog
  • 20 6 Ethereal Veil by Endrise
  • 21 5 Heresen Plateau by Lenosallose
  • 22 5 Natural Spas by Laurabones
  • 23 5 Vengeance Bog by AnzBananz
  • 24 5 Nonogawa River by shyredfox
  • 25 5 Faultline by Kummer Wolfe
  • 26 5 Umeros by Tiirikka
  • 27 5 The Corona Continent by Starfarertheta
  • 28 5 Ignis by CatRobi
  • 29 4 The Primal Realm by Salen
  • 30 4 Greenglade Forest by Redclaw123
  • 31 4 Pendulum by SpyglassRealms
  • 32 3 Dust Shores by Oneriwien
  • 33 3 Akelan Wastes by Toblin
  • 34 3 Lophelian Ocean by SolarCat02
  • 35 3 Sandstalker Plains by Toblin
  • 36 3 Kardi'naal Mountain Chain by PatheticBarrel
  • 37 3 Obelia System by Jarissa
  • 38 3 Twymin by SpyglassRealms
  • 39 3 Xyrra by SpyglassRealms
  • 40 3 Mara by Heffé
  • 41 3 Brunivard by Orlon
  • 42 3 Forgotten Forest by Jester%
  • 43 2 Azrok Mountains by ZogMadDog
  • 44 2 Circuitous Edge by A.K.B. Miller
  • 45 2 Nevermore Expanse by Gamingbrew
  • 46 2 Drakonan Ocean by SolarCat02
  • 47 2 Kaluban by jodthecod
  • 48 2 Himminskalm Plateau by Endrise
  • 49 2 Lokiran Ocean by SolarCat02
  • 50 2 Ravare by Oneriwien
  • Material

  • 1 17 Phyrium by Qurilion
  • 2 12 Magetwine by Dylonishere123
  • 3 10 Grave-Iron by Qurilion
  • 4 9 Couleuz by Timepool
  • 5 9 Spider Silk by ImoenKim
  • 6 9 Nanomagic particles by Meevee
  • 7 7 Beast parts by Revyera
  • 8 6 Eisenite by Kummer Wolfe
  • 9 6 Humming Stone by Tiirikka
  • 10 6 Feathersteel by Stormbril
  • 11 5 Yahavo by Timepool
  • 12 3 Star Fire by WolfMoonStudio
  • 13 3 Helium by SolarCat02
  • 14 3 Remembrance by SolarCat02
  • 15 2 Dragon Bones by Isaac Thompson
  • 16 2 Soul Threads by F4D3
  • 17 2 Sable Fiber by Starfarertheta
  • 18 2 Mananecite by IbbyWondrous
  • 19 1 Alchar by Kalvykalv
  • 20 1 Galdrstone by strawberryAle
  • 21 1 Monster Core by Fantomturtle
  • 22 1 Scalestain Powder by Daisho
  • 23 1 Kuh feathers by Tuisku
  • 24 1 Crocodolite by Solstice
  • 25 1 Mithral, Material by Nulk
  • 26 1 masked-man-article-archived-1575492403masked-man-article-archived-1575492403 by Th3R3alF3l1x
  • 27 1 The Anti-Stem Particle by Nebula Dragon
  • 28 1 Ithilmar by Zhalim
  • 29 1 Floweret Wool by Shymine
  • 30 1 Gromril by Zhalim
  • 31 1 Cosmic Foam by Evidentz
  • 32 1 Lifestones by hcraven
  • 33 1 Tarp by arty
  • 34 1 trans-aluminum by Jarissa
  • 35 1 Neral Stone by PatheticBarrel
  • Military Conflict

  • 1 21 Battle of the Lipsig Hills by Dhelian
  • 2 19 The Battle of The Godsgrave by Dylonishere123
  • 3 17 Feran Invasion of Vardania by Darkseid
  • 4 7 The War Against the SHADOW by milladamen
  • 5 7 The Eternity War by BKBass
  • 6 7 The Dragon and the Raven Lord by milladamen
  • 7 6 War of the Tides by Kummer Wolfe
  • 8 5 The Refuse War by SolarCat02
  • 9 5 Dragon Hunts by ChaosTearKitsune
  • 10 4 Forgotten War by Billings
  • 11 2 The Genocide of Sicar by Eraellas
  • 12 2 "Show must go on" by Revyera
  • 13 2 Shadow Wars by Jester%
  • 14 2 War of the Necrochanglings: The First assault by Tindall42
  • 15 2 Kourk's Fortitude by tjtrewin
  • 16 2 Conquest of the Berian Republic by Michael Edward Tenner
  • 17 1 Redbeer Rebellion by Ultrahuntr
  • 18 1 The Fourth Yokai Invasion by Mike1027
  • 19 1 Siège de Grenade by Mishralalayana
  • 20 1 Bloody Fist War by Valcin
  • 21 1 Drop 2 - One Man's Art by jsalyers
  • 22 1 Battle at Tellmenn (Second Battle of Valdenwhik) [English] by Worldkeymaster
  • 23 1 Great Uprising by hcraven
  • 24 1 The Anti-Magic Riot of 721 by Travakh
  • 25 1 Drop 3, January 17, 3025 by hjorhrafn
  • 26 1 War of Script and Pictures by hughpierre
  • 27 1 The Battle at Tower Bridge by Fantomturtle
  • 28 1 The War Between Good And Evil by Anpa
  • 29 1 Soros Pugnatas by WazzukBallz
  • 30 1 The Annihilation by theaaronw0
  • Myth / Legend

  • 1 14 Case of the Missing Dragon of Nonogawa by shyredfox
  • 2 14 The Algorithm by Qurilion
  • 3 12 The legend of the first Human Demon by Meevee
  • 4 12 Tyanis and her Daughters by Darkseid
  • 5 11 The Black Train by Qurilion
  • 6 8 "Everything was Gray" by Revyera
  • 7 7 The Cask of Mitchell's Fen Tower by AnzBananz
  • 8 7 The legend of Serpentus, the creator of Ruggantu by Meevee
  • 9 7 The Scalechange by Daisho
  • 10 6 The Fray by F4D3
  • 11 6 Vinaboo the Hunter by Endrise
  • 12 6 Traditional Nephmiri Folklore by AnzBananz
  • 13 6 The Abjuration of Rhodalle by AnzBananz
  • 14 5 Lost Civilisation of Qipatikkut by Laurabones
  • 15 5 The Lion of the Plains by AnzBananz
  • 16 5 Siren's Lament by TheExasperatedDM
  • 17 5 Heol-Bri Cycle by A Lambent Eye
  • 18 4 The Truth by LaughingProphet
  • 19 4 Sonkezi Begs Minonba by studiomnivorous
  • 20 4 Invasion of the Fey by Daisho
  • 21 3 The Works of Jean-Paul Rogers. by Johnatron3000
  • 22 2 Haderath by MappingDragon
  • 23 2 The turtle who almost devoured the world by Rynn19
  • 24 2 The Three Kings by Jester%
  • 25 2 The origin of fiends by Somrael
  • 26 2 Legacy of Kings by Jester%
  • 27 2 The Norns by strawberryAle
  • 28 2 USERNAME: LUX by Krop Tor
  • 29 2 Gods of Aelor by VenomKarnage
  • 30 1 The Celestial War by PatheticBarrel
  • 31 1 Catch a crow and make a wish by BasicDragon
  • 32 1 Between Sun and Shadow by hughpierre
  • 33 1 Scarlet by Somrael
  • 34 1 Sinaunang Lupain (The First Kingdom) by jodthecod
  • 35 1 The Aerylar by Eraellas
  • 36 1 What Lies on Lun Tian by Shymine
  • 37 1 Cosmoglot by bytebodger
  • 38 1 Shen Births The Universe by Finncredibad
  • 39 1 The savior of man by WazzukBallz
  • 40 1 Amaterasu - Lady Light by stevenptrue
  • 41 1 Bownder-Bed by A Lambent Eye
  • 42 1 The God-Queen Archantael by CactusWren
  • 43 1 The Iron Whale by Starfarertheta
  • 44 1 Erathis - The Great Engineer by stevenptrue
  • 45 1 Creation Myth of the Kitsune. by Tiffany Dayle
  • 46 1 The Creation of the Elves by Quazren Tess
  • 47 1 The Shattering Of The Black Heart & The Birth Of The Elemental Magnates by WDMichael
  • Organization

  • 1 31 Stainless Concord by Toblin
  • 2 23 Corpse-Walkers Inner Council by Qurilion
  • 3 21 The Storytellers by Dylonishere123
  • 4 20 Empire of Le Zhea by Dhelian
  • 5 18 Hillenism by Dhelian
  • 6 13 Sei Tribe by Dhelian
  • 7 13 The College of Bones by Dylonishere123
  • 8 12 Maran Mythology by Heffé
  • 9 12 Bardic Colleges by Dylonishere123
  • 10 12 Indestructible Inc by Qurilion
  • 11 11 Eaters of the Dead by Toblin
  • 12 10 Duskfall Horc Federation by Redclaw123
  • 13 10 Shroud Society by Kummer Wolfe
  • 14 9 Sandstalker by Toblin
  • 15 9 Legendary You Corporation by Qurilion
  • 16 8 Cult of the Dragon by Revyera
  • 17 8 House Baenre by RiverFang
  • 18 7 Kingdom of Kin by Billings
  • 19 7 Avalonian Imperial Navy by Sable Aradia
  • 20 7 Vitaw by Timepool
  • 21 7 House of the Red Herron by Billings
  • 22 7 Faith of Children of The Dancer by Tiirikka
  • 23 7 Parliament of Ghosts by thechosenone
  • 24 7 Acadmeia Arcanum by Redclaw123
  • 25 7 Hanalund by ninne124
  • 26 7 The School Of Carthage by Dylonishere123
  • 27 6 United Provinces of the Tellaiti by Dhelian
  • 28 6 Sezeria by LaughingProphet
  • 29 6 Iníon na Máthar by PatheticBarrel
  • 30 6 Anointed Order of Adar by Ultrahuntr
  • 31 5 Brotherhood of Acquisition by SolarCat02
  • 32 5 Šiwke (Zeribian Great House) by Tuisku
  • 33 5 Minstrel's University by milladamen
  • 34 5 A'Hishian United Kingdoms by Billings
  • 35 5 Drakon's Heart by Rising258
  • 36 5 Three Sisters of War by Revyera
  • 37 5 Worship of the Draconic Divines by Daisho
  • 38 5 P&P Systems by Davina
  • 39 5 Ozäxa-Lavüdh by Isaac Thompson
  • 40 5 The Leisures of Desire by Barron
  • 41 5 Northwood Volunteers by SolarCat02
  • 42 4 Church of Eilistraee by Tiirikka
  • 43 4 The Kingdom of Merjoux by Pravikun
  • 44 4 Cult of White by Revyera
  • 45 4 Dyiiladuun by Isaac Thompson
  • 46 4 Seven Tribes of Humanity by WolfMoonStudio
  • 47 4 The Order of Desolation by Eraellas
  • 48 4 a Stócaigh an Máthar by PatheticBarrel
  • 49 4 Irehi Empire by AlexNerd
  • 50 3 Lawaguum by Isaac Thompson
  • Person / Character

  • 1 18 Dimiti by Stormbril
  • 2 17 Theodore 'Teddy' Klein by Dylonishere123
  • 3 17 Processor by Toblin
  • 4 16 Sharenskus by Stormbril
  • 5 16 Bumble by Rynn19
  • 6 15 Corpse-Walker's Inner Council - Stitcher by Qurilion
  • 7 15 Corpse-Walker's Inner Council - Grandmother Death by Qurilion
  • 8 14 The Heretic of Landowe by AnzBananz
  • 9 13 Corpse-Walker's Inner Council - Gilded Doom by Qurilion
  • 10 13 Corpse-Walker's Inner Council - Eater-of-Dead by Qurilion
  • 11 12 Corpse-Walker's Inner Council - Three-Skull by Qurilion
  • 12 12 Corpse-Walker's Inner Council - Marrow by Qurilion
  • 13 10 Miyu by Stormbril
  • 14 10 Witch-Commander by Revyera
  • 15 10 Loua by ninne124
  • 16 9 Honest Hanir by milladamen
  • 17 9 Firand Jermain by ninne124
  • 18 8 Tarsi Tillo by Meevee
  • 19 8 River Wolfsbane by RiverFang
  • 20 8 Date Hoji by shyredfox
  • 21 7 Yagenol by Meevee
  • 22 7 Eilistraee by Tiirikka
  • 23 7 Black Baron by Davina
  • 24 7 Rasaral Angershead by Elfo
  • 25 6 Amonar by Salen
  • 26 6 Doc. Yoli by Timepool
  • 27 6 Faliel the Ancient by Tiirikka
  • 28 6 Gray Finch, Skin Trader by leechy
  • 29 6 Mr. Bolton by Tiirikka
  • 30 6 Cyroa by ImoenKim
  • 31 6 Ana the Baker by Lenosallose
  • 32 5 Seori Nightbringer by Kelissana
  • 33 5 Lukas Falkenrath by Hanhula
  • 34 5 Evelyn Arcasai the Bouncer by Lenosallose
  • 35 5 Oscar Wildberry by Tiirikka
  • 36 4 Nassha Tomesta by Kummer Wolfe
  • 37 4 Diggory Albu by Endrise
  • 38 4 Luniwyn, the Silver Maiden by Gamingbrew
  • 39 4 Endrise the Merchant by Lenosallose
  • 40 4 Manuel II Aristenos by davidarthursteele
  • 41 4 James Mockingbird by onegalnamedsal
  • 42 4 Lycania Biest by Lenosallose
  • 43 4 Euphranor by Endrise
  • 44 4 Nicolas Sauter by Endrise
  • 45 4 Grunhilde by Salen
  • 46 4 Dunora Snowcloak "The Wild" by WDMichael
  • 47 4 Laima by Endrise
  • 48 4 Sarmira Amari by Lenosallose
  • 49 4 Thedric Ulster by BKBass
  • 50 4 No'lan Skyroot by SolarCat02
  • Plot

  • 1 11 Episode 3.07: Chapter 7: Chaos, Normal, and a Certain Point of View by Kummer Wolfe
  • 2 7 Trade in the Spine (Module #3) by RiverFang
  • 3 6 Fight or Flight by Salen
  • 4 5 Episode 3.07: Chapter 8: Choices of Heroes, Duel of the Fates by Kummer Wolfe
  • 5 5 Side story: Dead Squad beginnings by Revyera
  • 6 4 SS: Stubborn Courage by SolarCat02
  • 7 3 Ambushed in the Mountain of the Universe: Chapter 4: Rising Stakes by Kummer Wolfe
  • 8 3 SS: The Secrets of Dragons by SolarCat02
  • 9 2 Relics of War Outline by AntimatterNuke
  • 10 2 Side story: Doctor and his wife by Revyera
  • 11 2 Sleeping Giant Mountain by Harden865
  • 12 2 Don't Break your pick by Harden865
  • 13 2 Pain Killing by Harden865
  • 14 1 City of Potential by Harden865
  • 15 1 Theme: Might vs. Right by Aiwei Stormbringer
  • 16 1 Project Centauri by Jester%
  • 17 1 Meeting the Party by OrionVA
  • Profession

  • 1 19 Toads by Qurilion
  • 2 14 Gunsmiths by Timepool
  • 3 13 The Doves of Estoya by Dylonishere123
  • 4 12 The Ink-stained Quills by Dylonishere123
  • 5 11 Alchemist by SolarCat02
  • 6 9 Stigy Driver by Rynn19
  • 7 9 Paltetian Hunter by hcraven
  • 8 8 Fire Setter by SolarCat02
  • 9 6 Stargazers by Revyera
  • 10 6 Meator by Vertixico
  • 11 6 Alchemist by IbbyWondrous
  • 12 6 Ore Augur by SolarCat02
  • 13 6 Clothier by SolarCat02
  • 14 5 Class: Wizard - Abjurer by Tiirikka
  • 15 5 Class: Cleric by Tiirikka
  • 16 5 Miner by SolarCat02
  • 17 4 Boat-Dwellers of the Silver Stream by Tuisku
  • 18 4 Cyphermancers by Kummer Wolfe
  • 19 3 Bloodsingers by Lenosallose
  • 20 3 Metallurgists by Lenosallose
  • 21 3 Blacksmith by Eraellas
  • 22 3 Corporialists by Lenosallose
  • 23 2 Academic by Davina
  • 24 2 Military Mages by LukeBui
  • 25 1 Herbalist by Shymine
  • 26 1 Prophesier by hughpierre
  • 27 1 Metal Carver by Lenosallose
  • 28 1 Engineer by davidarthursteele
  • Ritual / Tradition

  • 1 16 Eating Everyone: Elven Cannibalism & Cusine by Qurilion
  • 2 15 Bardic Names by Dylonishere123
  • 3 15 Talvi's Sacrifice by Dhelian
  • 4 12 Rol'nara Lullaby by SolarCat02
  • 5 12 Burial Traditions among the Fishing Folk by ImoenKim
  • 6 11 Qurilion by RiverFang
  • 7 11 Hatchling Day by Daisho
  • 8 9 Rice Harvest Festival to Inari by shyredfox
  • 9 9 Rancor Racks by ImoenKim
  • 10 9 Here Comes the Inquisition by SolarCat02
  • 11 8 Last goodbye by Revyera
  • 12 8 Storyboards And Lexicons by Dylonishere123
  • 13 8 Festival of Flowers by SolarCat02
  • 14 7 Thurásin Standard Calendar by Isaac Thompson
  • 15 6 Catalpa Day by AnzBananz
  • 16 6 Forgiveness Prayer by SolarCat02
  • 17 5 Family Bonds by ChaosTearKitsune
  • 18 5 Winterball by JethroTheChronicler
  • 19 5 Icono Dancing by A Lambent Eye
  • 20 5 Molting by Daisho
  • 21 5 Leadership Challenge by rudysb9
  • 22 5 The Winter Solstice by milladamen
  • 23 4 Scalestain Tattoos by Daisho
  • 24 3 Trial of the Mountains by Billings
  • 25 3 Bleeding ritual by Tiirikka
  • 26 3 Rol'nara Funeral Celebration by SolarCat02
  • 27 3 Scacorborn tournaments by Eden Master
  • 28 3 The Hearthersfǫr - Days of Winterlight Angels by IsaNite
  • 29 2 Dwarves, and their tradition of combining firearms with melee. by Tonarus
  • 30 2 Fool's Scalestain by Daisho
  • 31 2 Kalubano Society by jodthecod
  • 32 1 Runic Engraving by PatheticBarrel
  • 33 1 Trinidad: The Holy Holiday by wolfnormandy
  • 34 1 Weaving by PatheticBarrel
  • 35 1 Modern Day Living by Johnatron3000
  • 36 1 the Old Ways by EmperorCharlesII
  • 37 1 Festival Of Memories by Mary1117
  • 38 1 The Sanguinar and the Sanguinum by NanoPaladin
  • 39 1 The Razaq by Dramatis
  • 40 1 Queen's Construction Method by hughpierre
  • 41 1 The Inner Choice by Valcin
  • 42 1 Casting of Names by Ademal
  • 43 1 Fucoculade by A Lambent Eye
  • 44 1 Culture of War by jodthecod
  • 45 1 Askodra: The Carving of Life by Jester%
  • 46 1 Konsō by RiverFang
  • Rank / Title

  • 1 16 Hei Ea by Dhelian
  • 2 13 The Poet Laureate by Dylonishere123
  • 3 11 High Fae by ninne124
  • 4 10 Arch High Fae by ninne124
  • 5 9 Spell-caster by ninne124
  • 6 7 Apprentice Rune Mage by RiverFang
  • 7 6 Fire Maiden by Endrise
  • 8 5 Oyabun by shyredfox
  • 9 4 Champions by F4D3
  • 10 4 Konungur by PatheticBarrel
  • 11 4 Raven Lord by milladamen
  • 12 4 Solin by ReneeGracie
  • 13 3 Mother of Shadows by Tiirikka
  • 14 3 Stabilizer by Revyera
  • 15 2 Crypt Hunter by Jester%
  • 16 2 Bladesister by Tonarus
  • 17 2 Lieutenant by RiverFang
  • 18 1 Iníon by PatheticBarrel
  • 19 1 Mistress of Shadows by Tiirikka
  • 20 1 Arconte by gubaca
  • 21 1 Spirit Hunter by Jester%
  • Settlement

  • 1 15 The City of the Moon by ImoenKim
  • 2 13 Cha'im, the Ash-Harvest by Qurilion
  • 3 12 Eryndlyn by RiverFang
  • 4 12 Thurhyll by Rynn19
  • 5 11 Prin by ninne124
  • 6 10 Valveworks by Kummer Wolfe
  • 7 9 Vettihl by ninne124
  • 8 9 Bartertown by Kummer Wolfe
  • 9 8 Armsby by ninne124
  • 10 8 San Francisco by Davina
  • 11 6 Kingdom of Halholm by ZogMadDog
  • 12 6 Copper Settlement by ImoenKim
  • 13 6 Kentla by ninne124
  • 14 5 Readsend Harbor by Graydon Dric
  • 15 4 Kina Vora by ZogMadDog
  • 16 4 Western Village of the Wildlings by Revyera
  • 17 4 Travonia by SolarCat02
  • 18 4 Apacreos by Vertixico
  • 19 3 Brana by annyshay
  • 20 3 Loverli, the Honeymoon Planet by F4D3
  • 21 3 Moon Terrace by Tiirikka
  • 22 3 Azulan by Oneriwien
  • 23 3 Haenotzdume by Asmo
  • 24 3 Daagnhir by OminousGiggle
  • 25 3 Black Shark by F4D3
  • 26 3 Faur'ridar'ru by Barron
  • 27 2 Dusk Valley by IbbyWondrous
  • 28 2 The Pentadel by ToOrbitByABomb
  • 29 2 Spéir Ciúin by PatheticBarrel
  • 30 2 Esterholt, Ohio by rudysb9
  • 31 2 LEGO City by NickEast
  • 32 2 Bedrek by Oneriwien
  • 33 2 City of Freeport by Salen
  • 34 2 Víggirðing by PatheticBarrel
  • 35 2 Burrow by Oneriwien
  • 36 1 Sangsalgu Proper by hughpierre
  • 37 1 Hyrelion by wknder
  • 38 1 Pinebarrow by Graydon Dric
  • 39 1 Conquista by Mishralalayana
  • 40 1 Nuremberg by Davina
  • 41 1 Spa Town by Daisho
  • 42 1 Amanodel - Lower Districts by OminousGiggle
  • 43 1 Aakash by Eraellas
  • 44 1 Adenim by ZogMadDog
  • 45 1 Wayne by Jester%
  • 46 1 Correlia by Fe
  • 47 1 Aempis by Barron
  • 48 1 The Dyson Swarm by Johnatron3000
  • 49 1 Port Santiago by Jarissa
  • 50 1 Briarholm by ninne124
  • Species

  • 1 20 Tritop by solkyoshiro
  • 2 17 Spirit by Dhelian
  • 3 17 Goblins by Dylonishere123
  • 4 16 Lahtasi by Dhelian
  • 5 16 Rendlings by Stormbril
  • 6 15 Lasra by ChaosTearKitsune
  • 7 13 Magimandus - Magic Eater by hcraven
  • 8 12 Tree of Life (Starseed) by Sable Aradia
  • 9 12 Oryxians by Dylonishere123
  • 10 11 The Kömö Spider by ImoenKim
  • 11 11 WeirD&D: Aboleth by Qurilion
  • 12 10 The Jotunn by Dylonishere123
  • 13 9 Human by WantedHero
  • 14 9 WeirD&D: Celestials & Angels by Qurilion
  • 15 9 Taur Ar'Argara by Darkseid
  • 16 9 WeirD&D: Arakocra Reimagined by Qurilion
  • 17 8 Undine by Endrise
  • 18 8 Sketh by Kittymonster
  • 19 8 Aasimar by Endrise
  • 20 8 Grave Grub by Qurilion
  • 21 7 Sky Fox by AnzBananz
  • 22 7 Celestials by F4D3
  • 23 7 Blood Oak by Rynn19
  • 24 7 Catfolk by Endrise
  • 25 7 Plumnut Tree by Kummer Wolfe
  • 26 7 Cavy by Daisho
  • 27 6 Rockwing by Revyera
  • 28 6 Wolpertinger by Jester%
  • 29 6 Strangling Kelp by SolarCat02
  • 30 6 Frost Fae by SolarCat02
  • 31 6 Death Horses by Deviboi
  • 32 6 Huerustler by Revyera
  • 33 6 Living fortress by Revyera
  • 34 5 Coral by SolarCat02
  • 35 5 Stainleaf Tree by Daisho
  • 36 5 Frost Flower by SolarCat02
  • 37 5 Orcs [Mi'Més] by Lenosallose
  • 38 5 Waterseed by Kummer Wolfe
  • 39 5 Spiked Dulam by ChaosTearKitsune
  • 40 5 Moth by BasicDragon
  • 41 5 Centaurs by thechosenone
  • 42 5 Nimata by iamtheline
  • 43 5 Lamiah by thechosenone
  • 44 5 Fetchling by Endrise
  • 45 5 Dragonborn, Mixed Breed by Daisho
  • 46 5 Hermit Kraken by Orlon
  • 47 5 Human by Revyera
  • 48 5 Aelum shrub by Kummer Wolfe
  • 49 5 Beteclaw by Revyera
  • 50 4 Elementals by Oneriwien
  • Spell / Ability

  • 1 16 The Bank Gambit by Dylonishere123
  • 2 10 Lifestone Ritual by hcraven
  • 3 10 Canticumancy - Divination by Music by Qurilion
  • 4 10 Seeing rune by Revyera
  • 5 9 Break Through by shyredfox
  • 6 8 Zalkin's Story Shroud by RiverFang
  • 7 7 Rethi's Revealing Echo by Tiirikka
  • 8 7 Immolecto by Meevee
  • 9 6 Wupawk by Timepool
  • 10 3 Animo-Ex-Taurus by Tonarus
  • 11 3 Snipflash by A Lambent Eye
  • 12 3 Warlock by Rakaneth
  • 13 2 Hartz by F4D3
  • 14 2 Mouthful of Razors by Kalvykalv
  • 15 1 Summon Storm by Kirileia
  • 16 1 Radiate by Kirileia
  • 17 1 Stone Coffin by Kirileia
  • 18 1 Knuckle Crusher by Valcin
  • 19 1 Flurry by Kirileia
  • 20 1 Ice Cage by Solstice
  • 21 1 Tradych Dryhe by CactusWren
  • 22 1 Evil Eye by Aelstyn
  • 23 1 Absorb by Kirileia
  • Technology / Science

  • 1 18 Threadmancy by SolarCat02
  • 2 14 Gobnology - Where Theory Meets Can-Do Spirit! by Qurilion
  • 3 13 Pyromancy by SolarCat02
  • 4 12 Simulrendology by Stormbril
  • 5 11 Metalmancy by SolarCat02
  • 6 11 Arcanism by Dylonishere123
  • 7 11 Cybernetics by Toblin
  • 8 10 Electromancy by SolarCat02
  • 9 9 Rendulgraph by Stormbril
  • 10 8 Artisanal Magic by SolarCat02
  • 11 8 Farming Boxes by Revyera
  • 12 8 Dovepost by A Lambent Eye
  • 13 8 Chromamancy by SolarCat02
  • 14 8 Hydromancy by SolarCat02
  • 15 7 Geomancy by SolarCat02
  • 16 7 Alchemy by SolarCat02
  • 17 7 Nanomagic particle reactor by Meevee
  • 18 6 Antimagic by SolarCat02
  • 19 6 Arbormancy by SolarCat02
  • 20 6 Slip Stream Travel by stratagast
  • 21 6 Circumspace routes by Colombus
  • 22 5 Elemental Magic by SolarCat02
  • 23 5 Starfaring Engines by Sable Aradia
  • 24 5 Anemancy by SolarCat02
  • 25 4 Grid by Davina
  • 26 4 Leathermancy by SolarCat02
  • 27 4 Cybertech by Davina
  • 28 3 Air Post by Travakh
  • 29 3 Biotech by Davina
  • 30 3 Ration supplier by Revyera
  • 31 3 Repeating Bow by Starfarertheta
  • 32 2 Credit Chip by Toblin
  • 33 2 Shield by rudysb9
  • 34 2 Submarine by ArgumentGuy
  • 35 2 Airships by ArgumentGuy
  • 36 2 Petroleum by Mishralalayana
  • 37 1 The boom stick by WazzukBallz
  • 38 1 Communication Crystals by WazzukBallz
  • 39 1 Project Stardust by Johnatron3000
  • 40 1 Flicker Drive by DMFW
  • 41 1 Orga Technology by Barron
  • 42 1 Bumblup by A.K.B. Miller
  • 43 1 Metalchemistry by Vertixico
  • 44 1 Force Propulsion by Jester%
  • 45 1 Shadow Skin by hughpierre
  • 46 1 Sky Whale Platform by esoop
  • 47 1 Artificial Intelligence by Johnatron3000
  • Vehicle

  • 1 19 Abyssinian by solkyoshiro
  • 2 16 Pride and Joy: The Vehicles of The Midnight Riders by Dylonishere123
  • 3 13 Trains by Timepool
  • 4 9 The Seahaven by Salen
  • 5 9 Sandboard by Revyera
  • 6 8 Stigy Sleigh by Rynn19
  • 7 7 Airship by Endrise
  • 8 6 Honest Hanir's Floating Stall and Transportation Vehicle by milladamen
  • 9 4 War Raptor by Tiirikka
  • 10 3 The King of the Skies by Tonarus
  • 11 3 Galley by Sevv09
  • 12 2 Airship by Sevv09
  • 13 2 Mark I: Aerurus Prototype by Sevv09
  • 14 2 Mark II: Dragon Hunter I by Sevv09
  • 15 2 Hermes Class High-Thrust Utility Corvette by HKUrban
  • 16 1 A.L.C (Aquatic Land Carrier) by Jester%
  • Last update: 2020-01-01 08:47:27.890660 GMT