The Ultimate Worldbuilding Toolset & RPG Campaign Manager
Created for Gamemasters, Authors, TTRPG Players and all Worldbuilding Creatives
Literally, hundreds more features for you to discover and use to create the ultimate worldbuilding experience for you, your players, your readers and your team.
Living in the Lands of Kaluban isn't easy, It always helps to have a Blade and Kalasag in your hands.
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Adaptable in almost everywhere they set their foot on, renowned as great conquerors and assimilators
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They who hail as the rulers of Carrion, with scales colorful yet hard as steel, a breath of poison and fire, and horns of beauty and intimidation. The lizard-like folk clad in obsidian stands proud before their gods.
Long lived and born of magic. The sole rulers of Lecarne who fight to keep those unworthy away from the great tree Pagose.