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Starfarertheta Progress Report

The Archivists Guild

The Archivists Guild's stated mission is to collect, organize, and display the sum of Awldor's knowledge. All of the passages you will read in this codex are the result of the ongoing work of the Archivists.

1942 words

Glacialis Continent

A cold and largely unexplored region of Awldor (at least in our time). The Ancients surely have left their mark on that land, preserved in the ice, but such ruins are yet to be discovered.

813 words

Ancient Crater

This unnatural landmark was certainly the result of some arcane event of unimaginable scale. There are several theories, but nothing is confirmed.

1190 words

Amaya Pneuma

Amaya Pneuma is known for her legendary around-the-world voyage.

1316 words

Archivist Enna

Before becoming an Archivist, Enna wanted to be a soldier. She has the greatest potential to take over as head of the Archivists Guild.

336 words

Free City of Centrum

Centrum is considered the center of economic activity for the continent of Quassus. The city is located on Visus Island in the middle of the Occulus Sea- this position is nexus of trade routes that the city has greatly capitalized on.

1950 words

Sable Fiber

A black thread with a pleasing sheen that has highly desirable properties. Such properties include adding strength to equipment as well as to add a unique flair to works of art.

725 words

The Nerehet Sandsea

The only known geographic phenomena of its kind in Awldor, the Nerehet Sandsea is a massive stretch of shifting sands that behave like the sea absent water.

825 words

Repeating Bow

A bow designed to loose a series of arrows quickly and accurately.

722 words

Captain Pneuma's Journal

Captain Amaya Pneuma's personal account of the first voyage around the world since the Great Collapse. It is one of the most valuable possessions of the Archivists Guild.

4483 words

Captain Pontius Ophiucus

Pontius had great ambitions concerning the Free City of Centrum. He was also the chief rival to Captain Amaya Quickwind.

585 words

Kingdom of Helia

Widely considered the strongest and most aggressive country on the continent of Quassus. The Kingdom has imperial ambitions, which it has proudly announced to the world.

1884 words

Queendom of Lunaria

The Queendom is considered the quieter twin of Helia. However, it would be a mistake to believe that its ambitions are lesser than those of her shouty neighbor.

1271 words

Centrum Director's Council

The governing body of the Free City of Centrum. Every member of the board is a businessman.

490 words

Helian Fire

Some have called it the "forever fire." This technology is the key to Helia's military dominance on the continent, and the technology is always improving.

377 words

Free City-State of Centrum

The center of trade for the continent of Quassus. This nexus of commerce is the greatest market the world has known since the pre-collapse.

1268 words


Husks are infected bodies that are violent towards the living.

353 words

Western Occulus Gate

A strait that connects the Occulus Sea to the Azure Ocean. Currently controlled by the Queendom of Lunaria, the strait represents a valuable trade route.

1342 words

Quassus Continent

The Quassus Continent (Q is silent) is technically the world's largest archipelago. Its main features are the three continental islands of Lluvia, Dammerung, and Valjeta.

2071 words

Radiant City of Sol

Representing Helia's might both literally and metaphorically, Sol is t he largest and grandest city on the Quassus Continent. The dominating central spire casts a golden light over the entire city during the day, and itself remains alight at night.

1916 words


This species is similar to that found in official/homebrew Dungeons and Dragons materials.

79 words

Deshret Continent

The largest and driest continent in Awldor.

2414 words

Darya Silvermoon

Known as the Silver sailor, Darya was loyal to the best interests of Lunaria. She believed that sailing the world was the key to the Queendom's prosperity.

651 words


Got a problem? There's a potion for that. Beware, improper use of potions can introduce new problems.

1049 words

The Great Collapse

A period of strife, famine, ruin, and darkness brought about by the inexplicable release of violent wild magics. Its happening has shaped Awldor to what it is today.

1882 words

Amaya's Voyage

This adventure has only begun to reshape the worldview of the inhabitants of Quassus.

864 words

King Vimak Helia III

The most aggressive King of Helia the new world has seen. Vimak III is on track to becoming the world's first Emperor, and there has yet to be an assassin capable of stopping him.

669 words

Chivit Continent

Home to the largest rain-forest in Awldor, the Anestri'for. The continent is possibly the most magical of all the lands in the world thans to the possible existance of seven life crystals hidden on floatin sky-islands.

1018 words

Planus Continent

Considered to be the flattest continent in Awldor, Planus' vast flat fields are home to massive herds and stampedes. Mounts are a necessity when traveling these lands.

846 words

Occulus Sea

The inner sea of the Quassus Continent. Trade routes established through the Occulus Sea are invaluable to civilization on the continent.

810 words

Queen Shava Lunaria

Queen of Lunaria. Like all people of her bloodline, she is a powerful sorceress. This Queen is widely beleived to be brooding on a secret plan, and no one knows when she will act.

705 words

The Village of Valais

Valais was a village that was believed to be, and still is for the most part, mythical. Captain Amaya's voyage claimed to have found it, but kept is location a secret. Many have since tried to find it, but there has been no confirmation yet.

764 words

Kingdom of Vhara

This Kingdom is determined to be the first eastern country to fend off the oncoming might of Helia. Their hopes lie on the massive stone wall they are constructing along their western border.

1156 words

The Iron Whale

A whale made of iron travels the seas across the world. No one knows its true nature or purpose.

774 words

General Information on Ancient Ruins

Remnants of the Ancient ORder are present in nearly every corner of the world. From an isolated habitat to unbelievably massive cities. They are the crumbling monuments of what once was.

1093 words

Captain Svalis Xiloscient

Svalis Xiloscient joined Amaya Quickwind on her voyage around the world. His skill as a commander as well as a diplomat proved invaluable to the expedition.

449 words

Starfarertheta Progress so far

41082 words 410.82% completed!

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