Science Laboratory

First Dark Age

After the The Burning of the Library of Guines, the majority of Murriet hated and feared scientists because of their belief that science and technology was bringing the destruction of the world. Due to this fear of scientists and technology, the few remaining science labs were quickly destroyed.   Science and technology, while hated, were not completely destroyed. most scientists migrated away from the areas where they were hated to join more like-minded people in Berkham. Some were too connected to their homes and not well known as scientists yet, and opted to stay where they lived. Others discovered science later.   Because of the continued existence of scientists throughout Murriet, scientific laboratories continued to crop up across the continent, even in areas where they were illegal and would be sought out and destroyed. To protect themselves, the scientists would disguise and hide their laboratories, continuing their calling in secret.  


There is no standard appearance for a scientific laboratory. These spaces rarely fill an entire building and often are hidden within rooms, sometimes within plain sight with items repurposed for other uses.   For example, a burner may be repurposed as a lamp, or a flask as a drinking glass.   Because of the need to hide these laboratories, the work able to be done in them tends to be sub-par with mostly simple experiments capable of being done.  

Post-Dark Age

As science becomes more accepted, laboratories begin to become more commonplace and capable.

Purpose / Function

Science labs are used to run experiments, test hypotheses, and attempt to better understand the universe and natural laws by which everything works.
Room, Lab, Scientific


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