Blood Traumathy I

A basic Traumathy spell, Blood Traumathy I works through the belief that the "rightness" in one person can be transferred to another. Believing that "rightness" is transported through the blood, this magic works bidirectionally. The receiving body (generally the magician) takes blood from the source, using it to power themselves, using it to tell their body how to be healed. The source body then is given any wrongness that is found, allowing the caster to be freed of signs of trauma, illness, aging, or other ways in which their body may not be ideal.  The stronger and more similar to the receiving body, the more effective the spell.   This process is not instantaneous.  It generally begins by incapacitating and rapidly killing the source body, but takes hours or days for the receiving body to be healed, during which time it is often also incapacitated and vulnerable -- any healing done is defined on the initial casting of the spell, and further damage to the receiving body can cause unexpected results.   As knowledge of blood and the circulatory system is gained, the effect of this spell is increasingly diminshed. With knowledge of DNA, this spell is effectively nullified.


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