AC1051 - Beginner's Dance

About Beginner's Dance

Beginner's Dance is designed to teach students at the Riselle Academy for Magical Girls the basics required for dances most commonly found in the mid- and upper levels of society on Murriet.   Upon completion of Beginner's Dance, the student should be competent at the top couple of dances in each nation on Murriet (with possible exceptions for nations at war with Tively. The dances may change, but between 3 and 10 dances should be covered in a semester.   This includes all of the basic steps, sufficient to prevent the student from being a complete embarassment on the dance floor. Magical instruction is not included in Beginner's Dance.  

Dances Taught

Dances taught depend on the year the student attends class. Dances taught historically include:  
YearsRelevant NationsDance
380-496Emswort, DarterThe Fall of Guines Library
380-Emswort (All)Round Stepland
380-TivelyTiveley Trot

Course Number


Class Information

Available to all 10-Year and above whom have not previously passed Beginner Dance. Required for graduation from the Riselle Academy for Magical Girls.




Magical Abilities



Comfortable Shoes, Ball Gown

Class Location

Gymnasium 4

Magic Taught



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