Overlooking the silver seas, the Crystalline Mausoleum stands monumental on the cliffs of Copernica. Prismatic lights shine across the central cenotaph—a memorial for the long lost Apollonian.
Overlooking the silver seas, the Crystalline Mausoleum stands monumental on the cliffs of Copernica. Prismatic lights shine across the central cenotaph—a memorial for the long lost Apollonian.
The Lodge of the Twin Oaks stands as both an enduring landmark and a welcoming refuge for travelers, rangers, and merchants passing through Twilight Falls.
He has lived in the shadows of Atlee’s control for years, but his mind is sharp, his spirit unbroken, and a fire burns beneath his soft-spoken words. He has endured, adapted, and waits for his chance.
The village of Taymouth, in the lands of House Vaswell, is a fortified settlement erched at the confluence of the mighty Velverdyva River and the treacherous waters of Imeryd's Run in northeast Viscounty of Verbobonc.
Daksi is a force of nature—born into the shadow of his father and brother, both measured and respected leaders, yet driven by an unquenchable desire to surpass them.