Razhea Capita is a grand ecumenopolis, the centre of the razhean community. It has been the cradle of razhean civilisation for thousands upon thousands of years.
Padi is the foundation of which much of the Sol System builds their meal. As a base or as a side, the humble grain promises to be filling and nourishing.
The Brelish Bowl, or Eilneqrī, is a smokey and slightly spicy salad that originates from Eilne in South Tellaiti, a region in the Empire of Pallernen that is home to the Brelish people.
Luna and Tellus dance across the sky, the forbidden paradise and the barren rock. A thin silvery atmosphere protects the moon from space, and the pale lunar lands contrast with deep dark seas.
Valleterna is a vibrant yet fractured valley of contrasts, where nine fiercely independent cities—bound by tenuous alliances and simmering rivalries—struggle to maintain peace amidst cultural divides, political intrigue, and growing unrest.
Razhea Capita is a grand ecumenopolis, the centre of the razhean community. It has been the cradle of razhean civilisation for thousands upon thousands of years.
Luna and Tellus dance across the sky, the forbidden paradise and the barren rock. A thin silvery atmosphere protects the moon from space, and the pale lunar lands contrast with deep dark seas.
Padi is the foundation of which much of the Sol System builds their meal. As a base or as a side, the humble grain promises to be filling and nourishing.
The Brelish Bowl, or Eilneqrī, is a smokey and slightly spicy salad that originates from Eilne in South Tellaiti, a region in the Empire of Pallernen that is home to the Brelish people.
Emberwake is a Tanarian holiday celebrated on the Winter Solstice, honoring Nyrrun, the Keeper of Hearth and Shadow. The holiday centers on themes of balance, reflection, and unity.
The Secretary of Sophont Detection is in charge of determining if creatures (and sometimes objects) are sentient or not according to the Mandates of the Kirinal Concordant Zone.