LiaFelis Progress Report

Aspiring fantasy writer and part-time Dungeon Master. Dragon Goddess of Evera.

LiaFelis Progress so far

10048 words 100.48% completed!

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"Why dragons?" someone asked.
The answer was simple:
"Because everything looks better with dragons!"

As an aspiring fantasy writer, my goal is to introduce readers to the world I have been building for years. I grew up in a dull and colorless place where my only escape was through books and imagination. At the age of nine, I began writing my own short stories, thanks to my teacher, Tímea, who taught me the fundamentals of literature and prose.
Although my work was occasionally published in the local newspaper, it wasn't until 2014 that one of my short stories was selected for publication in Univerzum Anthólógia. My medieval fantasy story, Chronicles of Velusita (Part One), filled me with pride, but unfortunately, it didn't lead to further publishing opportunities.
In 2018, I delved into the world of TTRPGs with my family and friends, which inspired me to create Evera, a colorful fantasy world that was largely based on my previous ideas and writing. As my players explored Evera and its lore, I found myself writing chapters worth of stories about NPCs, locations, and mythology. Each campaign added more stories to my collection.
Now, with the help of World Anvil, I am excited to share these tales with my readers. Through maps, illustrations, and additional information, I hope to immerse them in Evera's endless story.

Favorite Movies

The Others (2001)

Favorite Books

J.R.R. Tolkien: The Lord of the Rings trilogy; Circle of Magic series from Debra Doyle & James D. Macdonald was my first "real" fantasy reading.

Favorite Writers

Tolkien is my favorite. Thomas Brezina, J. K. Rowling and Paul Stewart made me a reader.

Favorite Games

Elders Scrolls IV-V. are my go-to games; but I like WoW, Dungeons 2-3 and Baldur's Gate III.

Latest Loved work

Duck Pool of Verdant Home

Romance & Relationships

Taiqun the Veiled Sage

Furrasha the Golden Belly

Kelmu the Everflowing

Thyren the Hoofed Tempest

Durngrym the Ironforged Warlord


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