Grimbjorn Progress Report

Grimbjorn the Skelð


1222 words

Wylden Silver

541 words

Zendylite Empire

1247 words


233 words


613 words

Col Sharrhia

196 words


101 words

Col Zendyl

376 words

Sia Zendylhia

519 words

Col Shaphel

204 words

Col Aylia

54 words

Ancient Targos

405 words


120 words

Jór Svartarfjallr

357 words


150 words


360 words


314 words

Bloodhand Vanguard

392 words

Bloodhand Rebellion

648 words


359 words


103 words


312 words

Bay of Carosh

248 words

Bala Carosha

91 words


96 words

Grimbjorn Progress so far

11357 words 113.57% completed!

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Hello, and welcome to my profile! I'm still rather new to WorldAnvil, and figuring everything out, so my pages may be somewhat chaotic for a time, but please, feel free to poke about, and always feel free to comment or contact me with any thoughts or questions you may have!

My goal here is to eventually make my story-writing dreams a reality by organizing, cataloguing, and then publicizing my worldbuilding and writing endeavours to bring my stories to life and publication. I hope you who are reading this will stick around, maybe drop me a follow, and become a part of that journey, as I in turn will be happy to become a part of yours (if that is your wish, of course!)

Interests & Hobbies

Hiking, exploring, rock carving and painting, miniatures painting, travel, doing deep dives on Wikipedia learning about things to use in my writing and worldbuilding, History across a wide variety of subjects

Favorite Movies

Gladiator, LotR (Hobbit not so much...), Stardust; lots of others, but those are probably the three I will most happily rewatch over and over.

Favorite TV Series

S1-6 of Game of Thrones (a plague and a curse eternal on Dan & Dave for ruining it!), His Dark Materials, S1-3ish of Vikings (was always only semi-coherent story-wise, but mostly fun until things got really weird)

Favorite Books

Wheel of Time- the whole series, though personal favorites include books 4,6, and most of 11-14;

Song of Ice and Fire (though a good lesson on why I will thoroughly plan my stories' intentions before I will think of publishing anything; I don't want to leave people wanting for an ending that will never come)

Still a fan of Chronicles of Narnia and will occasionally reread the whole series for fun!

I was a late bloomer to reading Tolkien, but he's become a massive influence and inspiration, for a long list of reasons, so his LotR and Silmarillion definitely deserve a place here.

Favorite Writers

JRR Tolkien, Robert Jordan, George RR Martin, Brandon Sanderson, Richard A Knaak, Margaret Weiss, Tracy Hickman, Snorri Sturluson (yes, really! If you don't know who he was, look him up!)

Favorite Games

I used to love playing World of Warcraft; I enjoy civilization-building and real time strategy games (RTS) on computer; On tabletop, my favorite game is the sci-fi miniatures-based war game 'Battletech'

Latest Loved work



The Watcher on the Rock


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