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lillianacasper Progress Report

Lilliana Casper   I don't comment much, but I love reading your articles! Please check out my worlds, Jerde and Tread of Darkness.


Haspanic is the main agricultural planet in the IPA.

1437 words


Geranium is divided into North and South, each half of the planet with a different government. North Geranium is home to the CKGs while South Geranium is ruled by a mysterious mage.

1347 words

Haspanic Civil War

Also called the Haspanic War, this conflict is the only time Haspanic farmers have fought each other.

545 words


Crosteron is the home planet of the Crestantos. It is located at the edges of the galaxy and protected by an asteroid field.

1517 words


Isla is the ice mage that rules South Geranium. Although many believe these stories are false, she is one of the Celestials of legend.

807 words

Overview of Magic

An overview of how magic appears in the galaxy, written in the form of a lecture on the subject.

5639 words


Conri is the Celestial of wolves and lives in a forest of South Geranium

1077 words

lillianacasper Progress so far

12369 words 123.69% completed!

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Hi! I'm a very private, busy, quiet person, so don't be concerned if I neglect to respond to anything for a while. I currently have two public worlds and I hope that you enjoy them. I enjoy reading books and watching movies with themes of life, death, love, and humanity. My favorite genres are sci-fi fantasy with a side of romance. I hope that you enjoy my work and that you create exciting worlds too!

Interests & Hobbies

Reading, writing, knitting, photography, music (violin), and some art

Favorite Movies

The Princess Bride, Star Wars, Dune: Part One

Favorite TV Series

Demon Slayer (Anime), Arcane: League of Legends, Voltron: Legendary Defender

Favorite Books

The Starless Sea, Demon Slayer (Manga)

Favorite Games

Monument Valley, Minecraft, Ratchet & Clank Future: A Crack In Time

Latest Loved work

Underworld Duck Fighting

Pawfect Pets

Mochi's New Year 2025

Bapycara Café

Cozy Chillout Challenge

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