The Rift and The Fall of Garamor
Meteor Impact of the Mesa Flatlands
Nephalitam - The Great Storm, Most Traumatic
The Ice Age and the shaping of the Amsorak basin
The Martian Colony Collapse
The Bloodfusion of Ignacia
The coming of the endless night
The formation of Gnóttvǫllr pass
The Lady and Consorts - A Bedtime Story
A Naetneth-áramlatok kialakulása
Cyclone at Cryhton, the Vashari disappearance
Der Bruch und die Verbindung
How the World Ended a Fourth Time
The Masian Devestation of Forefather's time.
The Reality of the Reckoning Storm
The Devils Pulpit & Destruction of Tezirra
le Blizzard Interminable (The Endless Blizzard)
Decimation of Thorngrove & Tralfangar
The Great Decimation of Fairy Kind [WASC2020]
The Second Conflict of the Gods
The Eruption of Ua'eha Mountain
The Accidental Infection of K'anam Prime
The Wrath of He Who Must Not Be Named.
The Second Moniqan Invasions
Vanishing of the Pan'lornian Planes
The Fall of Lunis and The Terminus Crisis
'Abyssal Wounds' (Known as Magick Dead Zones for those of a more literal mind set)
The Rupture of Grand Hai Forest
The Eruption of Mount Kujando and the Birth of Zarglÿf
The Village of Fovoumai's demise
Arcanite-provoqued Volcanic Activity
Honigkugelinduzierte Riesenkalmarmutagenese
the destruction of mount moltencore
That One Time Qur Flattened Half of Apathae
Black Years - Crescent Eruption